The information below is the Terms & Conditions that have been set out for the Beef Carbon Reduction Scheme

Terms and Conditions of Beef Carbon Reduction Scheme

DAERA Privacy Notice

DAERA takes data protection, freedom of information and environmental information issues seriously. It takes care to ensure that any personal information supplied to it is dealt with in a way which complies with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation effective from 25 May 2018. This means that any personal information you supply will be processed principally for the purpose for which it has been provided. However, DAERA is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided for this purpose. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for the audit or administration of public funds in order to prevent and detect fraud.

In addition, DAERA may also use any personal information you provide for other legitimate purposes in line with the Data Protection Act 2018, Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

These include:

  • Administration of farm payment schemes administered by DAERA;
  • The production and safety of food;
  • Management of land and other environmental controls;
  • Animal Health and welfare;
  • Occupational health and welfare;
  • The prevention and detection of fraud or maladministration (e.g. The Controller & Auditor General and HM Revenue & Customs);
  • Compilation of maps and statistics;
  • Disclosure to other organisations when required by law to do so; and
  • Disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 where such disclosure is in the public interest.

DAERA will publish details of the amounts paid to direct payment scheme beneficiaries. If published, this data will be published for all beneficiaries on a searchable website, and will include the name and locality of the beneficiary and details of the amounts and schemes for which subsidy has been paid. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are agreeing to your data being published should you receive payment under this, or other direct payment schemes.


I confirm that:

  • I have read and understood all of the relevant BCR scheme guidance published on the DAERA website and agree to comply fully with all scheme rules/conditions for which I am applying for payment.
  • I understand and consent to DAERA using information held on NIFAIS to determine eligibility for payment under the BCR scheme of animals kept by the farm business.
  • I understand and consent to DAERA using other administrative databases at its disposal to assist in determining eligibility for payments.
  • All the information I have given to DAERA in relation to this application and in relation to animals kept by the farm business is true, accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
  • I will advise DAERA of any material changes to the information given in relation to this application or supporting documentation.
  • I have disclosed details of all other management agreements, grants or compensation that I receive, or intend to apply for, that may have potential for double funding.
  • I agree to co-operate with any DAERA official (or their authorised persons) visiting my business or contacting me to carry out any checks required in connection with my application, inclusive of making relevant records, receipts, invoices and proof of payment relevant to my application available on request.
  • If any such checks cannot be carried out as a result of my actions or the actions of others acting on my behalf, then I agree that no payment will be made or payments already made will be recovered by DAERA.
  • I will repay any payment received, together with any interest, if I am asked to do so as a consequence of a breach of scheme rules, or for the purposes of debt recovery.
  • I am submitting this application on behalf of the farm business and understand that I will receive communications in relation to this application on behalf of the farm business.

Any person who makes a false declaration or fails to notify DAERA of a material change to the information given in relation to this application is liable to prosecution. A false, inaccurate or incomplete statement or failure to notify DAERA of any material changes to the information given in relation to this application may result in loss of and/or recovery of payments made.

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