Directive 92/65 also referred to as the Balai Directive harmonises the rules and establishes the general animal health conditions applicable to moving some species of animals throughout the EU. The types of animals covered by the Balai directive include elephants, alpacas, zebras, bees, and exotic species of birds. For many species however, national rules as regards health attestations still apply rather than harmonised EU rules.

The available EHCs for use for exporting animals from GB are available to view via Form Finder

Currently there are no published EHCs for the following species entering Northern Ireland from GB so national rules are used for the health attestations based on the guidelines issued in Directive 92/65.

The relevant model health certificates for commercial Lagomorphs (not for food production), Rodents, Hyraxes, Xenarthra, Eulipotyphyla, Marsupials, Dermoptera or amphibians can be found here.

Moving reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates from GB to NI

Guidance on moving pet reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates or commercial imports of the same from GB into NI can be found here.

Pre-notification of moves into Northern Ireland from GB

Importers must pre-notify some movements of live animals into Northern Ireland using the EU’s TRACES NT system. This applies for movements which are not wholly within the EU and NI including moves which originate in or transit Great Britain. You can find further information here.

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