Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) - guidance and application forms

Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) is a regulatory system that employs an integrated approach to control the environmental impacts of certain industrial activities.

Consultation on the review of the Crematoria Guidance PGN(5/12)

This consultation sought views on the proposed new guidance that will replace the existing crematoria guidance PG5/2(12).

The UK Government, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland have worked with industry and regulators, and have developed a number of measures that will further limit emissions from crematoria. These measures relate to pollutants emitted during the cremation process.

The responses to this consultation will be used to help inform the finalisation of the new crematoria guidance.

This consultation closed on 3 December 2023, and further information can be found here:
Review of technical guidance for crematoriums - GOV.UK (

Horizontal guidance

Below is a list of The Horizontal Guidance documents, published jointly by the Environment Agency (EA), the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), Natural Resource Wales and Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA), which provide useful references when putting together a Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) application for a Part A Permit.

Noise guidance

The old H3 guidance has been replaced in July 2021 by the noise and vibration management: environmental permits guidance, the guidance and additional information can be obtained from:

This guidance has been developed by all four UK regulators and is applicable in Northern Ireland and a downloadable pdf version can be obtained on the following link:
Noise and Vibration Management Guidance.

BS 4142: 2014 methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound 

NIEA require all submissions referring to BS 4142 to follow the 2014 standard. Part A installations with a history of noise complaint should note that any new assessments should be carried out in accordance with the 2014 standard, as it may significantly alter the impact (as compared to the BS 4142:1997 method).

Odour guidance

The H4 odour guidance document which is applicable throughout the UK is available to download from:

Guidance on Emerging techniques:

Guidance on Emerging Techniques (GET) is being produced by the UK environmental regulators in consultation with industry and academia.  Where BAT does not exist for a new or developing technique and it is therefore not covered in existing EU BREFs or new UK BAT documents, or where potential emerging environmental effects have been recognised and need to be addressed we will provide links to the guidance when available.

See below for the UK wide guidance developed and published to date:

Guidance that is being developed include:


Carbon Capture and storage (CCS) guidance:

Guidance for post-combustion carbon capture on combustion plants which will consist of additions for energy from waste (following the recent evidence review) 

Cement and Lime Carbon Capture Guidance 

Industrial flue gas CO2 capture in the following sectors: glass, ceramics (including bricks and roofing tiles), iron and steel including electric arc furnace, chemicals, pulp and paper carbon capture

Refining Carbon Capture Evidence Review and Guidance Development 

Sectoral guidance

Part A sectoral guidance

Part A sectoral guidance can be found on the Environment Agency website (link below). This guidance refers to the Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPR) rather than the Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations, however NIEA endorses the technical content for part A installations in Northern Ireland’.

Other guidance

Part B sectoral guidance

Application forms for PPC(IE)

From the 7 January 2013, all applications for new Part A or Part B permits must now be made under the Pollution Prevention and Control (Industrial Emissions) Regulations (NI) 2013.

Guidance for applicants for PPC(IE)

Please note that activities requiring a Part B PPC permit may also require a Waste Management Licence under the Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 and/or a consent to discharge under the terms of the Water (Northern Ireland) Order 1999. It is now possible to apply for these permissions in parallel.

Guidance for "low impact" installations

Sectoral guidance

Part C general guidance and process guidance notes

The general guidance manual issued by the Department is the main guidance on the local air pollution prevention and control permit system (LAPPC).

Process guidance notes

The process guidance notes below form official government guidance on the exact Best Available Techniques (BAT) for Part C installations (this includes amongst other things, dry cleaners, petrol stations and some car re-spraying yards).

Local Air Pollution Prevention and Control guidance

Guidance can be found by clicking the below links to access the following documents:

Part C process guidance notes

Process guidance notes for Part C activities prescribed under the Pollution Prevention and Control (Industrial Emissions Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2013 for control by district councils are reviwed on a UK wide basis.

They can be found online on the Local Authority Pollution Control guidance page of the DEFRA website.

These notes cover the following sectors:

  • animal and vegetable processing sectors
  • combustion and incineration
  • minerals sector
  • metals sector
  • petroleum and powder coating sector
  • solvents sector

If you would like any further information please contact the DAERA Chemicals and Industrial Pollution Policy (CIPP) Branch.

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