Imports of animal by-products
Trade in Animal By-Products between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in Accordance with Article 48 of EU Regulation 1069/2009.
Trade categories
Trade in Categories 1, 2 and Category 3 Processed Animal Protein (PAP) requires:-
- an export authorisation completed by the Competent Authority (CA) of destination of the consignment
- an import licence (as appropriate)
- an ABP commercial document
- notification of the move on the TRACES database
- a health cert if required
Trade in other Category 3 ABPs requires:
- an import licence (as appropriate)
- an ABP commercial document
- notification of the move on the TRACES database
Importing animal by-products (ABPs) into Northern Ireland
The exporter in the ROI should contact the Milk & Meat Hygiene/ABP Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) ( 057 869 4345) for an application form, or alternatively, it can be downloaded from their website.
Once completed, the application form for export authorisation should be submitted to:-
1st Floor, Ballykelly House,
Ballykelly, Limavady, BT49 9HP
Tel: 028 77442 146 or 028 77442 079
Alternatively, it can be emailed to:
A copy should also be sent to the Milk & Meat Hygiene/ABP Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Grattan House, Grattan Business Centre, Portlaoise.
The NI importer should make an application for an import licence at least 10 working days before the intended date of import. The application form (IL23 ABP) can be obtained from DAERA (contact details above or downloaded below:
On receipt of both application forms DAERA will process the application and, if successful, issue the appropriate licence/authorisation to the importer (and exporter, if requested) and advise DAFM that a licence has been issued.
The Operator in the ROI must advise their local Regional Veterinary Office of the export so as the movement can be recorded on the Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) database.
The consignment must be transported in compliance with ABP regulations.
The Processing Plant in NI must inform DAERA Portal Inspectorate of the arrival of each consignment within one working day of receipt.
Farmyard manure
In addition to the above conditions, in the case of the trade in farmyard manure between NI and ROI, a health certificate will also be required.
The manure must be applied directly to land at the farm of destination and must not be applied during the Nitrates Action Programme Regulations closed period (from 31 October in any year to 31 January of the following year).