Imports of Aquaculture live fish, including live ornamental fish, shellfish and trout eggs into Northern Ireland from outside the European Union
This section outlines the legal requirements for importing aquaculture animals from outside the European Union including information on how such animals must enter Northern Ireland via a Point of Entry.
From 1 January 2021, under the Northern Ireland Protocol, Northern Ireland will remain in the same sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) zone as the EU. Therefore any consignments of live fish entering NI from GB or any other non EU country post transition, will be treated as entering the EU SPS zone from a third country.
This means that all imports of live fish from GB and other non EU countries post transition will have to be inspected as per the Official Controls Regulation (OCR) (EU) 2017/625, at a Northern Ireland Point of Entry. The current rate of inspection for all live animals including live fish from a third country is 100% document, identification and physical checks.

Legal requirements for importing fish into the European Union
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 sets out the rules for the importing of aquaculture animals and products into the European Union (EU).
Detailed rules on the movement of aquaculture animals and the placing on the market of aquaculture animals and products are set out in the Regulations. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/2236 sets out the certificates required for the placing on the market of imports into the EU.
All imports from third countries, including GB, must enter Northern Ireland through an approved Point of Entry (POE) and be accompanied by the appropriate Export Health Certificate (EHC), which has been completed and signed by the Competent Authority of the exporting country.
In Northern Ireland there are 2 Points of Entry designated for importing live fish; these are Belfast Harbour and Larne Harbour. A checklist for importers of live fish from GB to Northern Ireland post transition can be found by clicking on the following link:
Belfast POE, Old Ulster Bus Yard, Duncrue Street, Belfast, BT3 9BJ
Larne POE, Redlands, Coastguard Road, Larne, BT40 1AX