Four weeks to Single Application deadline
Date published:
With only four weeks to the 2018 Single Application closing date of midnight 15 May 2018, DAERA is urging farmers to complete their online Single Application without delay.

A DAERA Spokesperson said: “Completing the Single Application is one of the most important tasks that farmers do each year and our message to farmers is - complete your application as early as possible, and check all your information is correct. “The online application service is available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week and will contain all your farm business information.” There are a number of options available to farmers who require assistance to complete their 2018 Single Application.
SAF Advisory Service
Call our SAF Advisory Service on 0300 200 7848 (Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm) or use the convenient webchat facility within the application. Our advisors are ready to help you with any queries about your application or the schemes.
If the SAF Advisor considers that you need further assistance, he/she may be able to arrange an appointment for you in your local DAERA Direct Office where staff can help you complete your application. This is an appointment only service so you must ring the SAF Advisory Service to obtain an appointment slot. If you think you will require help you should act immediately while appointments are available and don’t take any unnecessary risks.
DAERA are running a series of ‘How to Complete your Single Application’ workshops at CAFRE campuses in Enniskillen, Cookstown and Antrim, where you can learn how to complete your application. These workshops are very popular and you don’t need any particular IT skills to attend – our staff will be there to help you. Book a place now by contacting 02871 319 955. This is an appointment only service, so make the call now and don’t miss out while appointments are available.
DAERA Website
Agents / Authorised Person
Alternatively, you can use the services of an agent or trusted person that you know such as a relative or friend, who can be given online access to complete your application on your behalf. You will need to complete a form to nominate an authorised person if you have not previously done so. You can download this form from the DAERA website or your agent may provide this for you. Alternatively, you can call the SAF Advisory Service on 0300 200 7848.
EFS Agreements
Farmers who have secured EFS Agreements are reminded that they should make their application for payment on their 2018 Single Application.
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- All media enquiries to DAERA Press Office or tel: 028 9052 4619.