5165 publications
Guidance for Operators on Noise Management at Intensive Livestock IPPC Installations
Guidance for Operators on Noise Management at Intensive Livestock IPPC Installations
Guidance for Operators on Slurry and Manure Management Planning - Intensive Livestock IPPC installations
Guidance for Operators on Slurry and Manure Management Planning - Intensive Livestock IPPC installations
Standard farming installation - Rules and Guidance (poultry production)
Standard farming installation - Rules and Guidance (poultry production)
Standard farming installation - Rules and Guidance (pig rearing)
Standard farming installation - Rules and Guidance (pig rearing)
Example of supporting documentation - Egg Laying Unit
Example of supporting documentation - Egg Laying Unit
Example of supporting documentation - Pig Installations
Example of supporting documentation - Pig Installations
Code of practice for Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA)
This Code of Practice provides background information on Equine Infectious Anaemia (EIA) and the consequences of infection. It also provides advice to those in the industry on precautionary measures that should be taken to minimise...
European Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006
European Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006 of 27 July 2006 on the European Fisheries Fund
Our Children and Young People Ten Year Strategy
The aim of this strategy is to ensure that by 2016 all our children and young people are fulfilling their potential. We want those who are doing well to continue to do well.
First Steps Towards Sustainability 2006
This first sustainable development strategy for Northern Ireland, along with the subsequent implementation plan, represents our first stepstowards tackling these challenges and presents the opportunity to achieve a better balance between social, environmental and economic...
Fees and charges operational strategy for the provision of recreational services
The purpose of this document is to be the single source document on charges for recreation services, providing a framework for the use of managers and to inform customers. It is to ensure a consistent...
Noise complaint statistics for Northern Ireland 2004 to 2005
The purpose of this report is to inform central government, district councils, the general public and any other interested parties as to the number and nature of noise complaints received each year by district councils...
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan - Twite
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Species
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan - Yellow Bird's Nest
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Species
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan - Northern Colletes
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Species
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan- One-sided Wintergreen
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Species
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan - Skylark
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Species
Northern Ireland Forestry Strategy (2006)
The strategy focuses on how more forests can be created and on the sustainable management of existing forests. It commits the Forest Service to continuing in its role as the major source of advice on...
Aquatic Monitoring Strategy 2006-07 and Water Framework Directive Monitoring Plans 2006
Monitoring of the aquatic environment in Northern Ireland has steadily evolved over the last 30 years into a comprehensive network of freshwater, groundwater, estuarine and marine monitoring programmes. A good general background is provided in...
EU strategic guidelines on rural development
Council decision on Community strategic guidelines for rural development (programming period 2007 - 2013)