5142 publications
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Species-Rich Hedgerows
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Sheltered Muddy Gravels
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Seagrass Beds
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Saline Lagoons
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Mudflats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Montane Heath
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Maerl Beds
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Lowland Raised Bog
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Lowland Heathland
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan - Blanket Bog
Northern Ireland Habitat Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Habitats
Artificial Insemination (Pigs) Regulations (NI) 1978
This publication is a copy of the Artificial Insemination (Pigs) Regulations (NI) 1978.
Horizontal Guidance - Noise Assessment and Control
Horizontal Guidance Note IPPC H3 (part 2) - Noise Assessment and Control. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC).
Horizontal guidance for noise
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) horizontal guidance for noise: Part 1 Regulation and Permitting and Part 2 Noise Assessment and Control.
Habitat Change in the Northern Ireland Countryside: Summary Report of the Northern Ireland Countryside Survey 2000
Measuring changes within the countryside can contribute to decision making, policy development and assessment of the effectiveness of such decisions and policy. Change is measured in over 60 types of habitat, mapped in 628 baseline...
Waste water treatment works discharges and the EC Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive
The EC Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD, 91/271/EEC) sets down minimum standards for the discharge of treated effluent from waste water treatment works (WWTWs).
Horizontal guidance for energy efficiency
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) guidance on energy efficiency.
Chalara Stakeholder Presentations December 2012
On January 24 2013, a stakeholder event aimed specifically at Councils, Arborists and Woodland Agents took place at Greenmount College.
Northern Ireland Forest Service A History by C.S. Kilpatrick
This is not only a history of forest development and progress but it is also a record of the people who contributed to the Forest Service operations over the years.
Habitat change in the Northern Ireland countryside: technical report of the Northern Ireland Countryside Survey 2000
The Northern Ireland Countryside Survey (NICS) is an on-going strategic monitoring programme for assessing change of the landscape and ecological resources in Northern Ireland. This technical report provides quantitative information on the distribution of broad...
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan - Chough, Curlew, Irish Hare
Northern Ireland Species Action Plan published to assist delivery of the Northern Ireland Biodiversity Strategy, for the protection and enhancement of Northern Ireland Priority Species