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Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum (NISF)

The Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum (NISF) was established to bring together statutory and non-statutory organisations as well as representatives of country parks, private landowners and local volunteer organizations dedicated to protecting the red squirrel in Northern Ireland.

Controlling the grey squirrel population

The problem faced by the red squirrel and solutions on how you can help ... more

Squirrel fact file

Characteristics and location of both the red and grey squirrels ... more

Squirrel pox and other squirrel diseases

Information and advice on what they are and how they can be prevented ... more


Community red squirrel groups of NI

Details of volunteer groups helping to secure the future of the red squirrel ... more

Belfast Zoo Breeding Programme

Information on the red squirrel breeding programme at Belfast Zoo  ... more

NGO Projects

Information on NGO projects in relation to red squirrels by the Red Squirrels United and the Mourne Heritage Trust (MHT) ... more


Contact the NISF



Telephone: 028 9056 9551

Write to:

Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum
c/o The NIEA Wildlife Team
2nd floor Klondyke Building
Cromac Ave
Gasworks Business Park
Malone Lower
Belfast BT7 2JA


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