
Angling and Commercial Fishing (Inland Fisheries)

Inland Fisheries is responsible for developing angling and commercial fishing policy in relation to the conservation, protection, development, and improvement of Salmon and Inland Fisheries in Northern Ireland.

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Animal Health, Welfare and Trade

Information about diseases, disease control and prevention, welfare of farmed and non-farmed animals, trade, importing and exporting animals and authorisation of PVPs for these official activities.

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Protecting and preserving Northern Ireland's wildlife and habitats from invasive alien species and other environmental threats.

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Countryside Management and Managing your Business

Information on agri-environment schemes, water quality, renewable energy and employing people on your farm.

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Crops and Horticulture

Information on areas of crop growing and horticulture including combinable crops, potatoes, fruits and vegetables, seeds and nursery stock.

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Education and Research

Education and training courses for the land-based and food industries and development programmes.

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Environmental Advice for Planning

DAERA has a role in development management and responds to development proposals where there is potential for impacts on the natural and marine environments and fisheries interests.  

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EU Exit

Information to help you and your business prepare for the end of Transition on 31 December 2020.  Further information and updates will be posted as they become available.

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Sea fisheries, inland fisheries, aquaculture and fish health policy in Northern Ireland. 

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Meat inspection, milk and milk products, personal food imports, egg packers

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Forestry education, forest industry, forestry and the environment, forest planning.Contact the NI Forest ServiceInformation on plant and tree healthUK Forestry Standard

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Farm Support and Development

Designed by Northern Ireland for Northern Ireland

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Grants and Funding

There is a wide range of grant and subsidy schemes to support local farming, fisheries, rural businesses and communities. 

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Land and Landscapes

Information on land quality and soil as well as details on the geology of Northern Ireland's distinctive and precious landscapes.

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Livestock Farming

Information on key areas of livestock farming including dairy, beef, sheep, pigs, poultry and grass.

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Local Authority Official Certification

Information for Food Competent Certifying Officers regarding official certification of fish, fish products, composite products (containing egg and or fish) and egg products.

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Protecting Northern Ireland's coastal and marine environment via legislation, licensing and permits and conservation activities

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Northern Ireland Food Animal Information System (NIFAIS)

NIFAIS the Northern Ireland Food Animal Information System, will be a new flexible and innovative IT system that supports efficient and effective delivery of current and future food animal information services.

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Plant and Tree Health

Pests and diseases, pesticides, plant passporting, imports and exports, surveys and compliance.

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Activities undertaken to prevent, monitor and control pollution of the air, land and waterDAERA and NIEA are issuing specific Covid-19 Regulatory Position Statements in relation to our regulated activities, they can be accessed from the following link;

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Protect the Environment

Actions taken to raise awareness and counteract threats to the environment on both a local and global scale

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Rural Development

Management and implementation of the Rural Development Programme and the Rural White Paper Action Plan

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Rural Needs

This section contains advice, guidance, information and other resources for public authorities in relation to their duties under the Rural Needs Act (NI) 2016.

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A catalogue of all our data products, identifying those that have been designated as ‘National Statistics’, can be found on the GOV.UK Release Calendar.  A full list of our published statistics are available in the publications section.  For up-to-date reports, bulletins and other information, you can follow the DAERAStats X account.

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Information relating to sustainable development and prosperity agreements.

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Resource & Waste Policy

DAERA and NIEA have responsibility in NI for making sure waste and resources are managed in a sustainable and safe way. This page is intended to be a “one stop shop” for any queries you have on waste policy (including legislation and regulation).

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Protecting the aquatic environment by regulating water quality and hydrological processes whilst considering the needs of industry, agriculture and the protection of public health.

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Windsor Framework Implementation

The Windsor Framework (Implementation) Regulations 2024 came into force on 12 April 2024. The Regulations confer powers upon the Secretary of State in relation to Articles 5-7 and Annex 2 of the Windsor Framework, however, the UK Government has committed to exercising these powers only to the extent necessary to support the operation of the Windsor Framework, including relevant commitments of the Safeguarding the Union command paper.

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Pages relating to the departments response to COVID-19

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