Advice on disposal of PPE

Questions and answers in relation to disposal of PPE - updated 04/05/2020

How do I dispose of any personal protective equipment ( PPE ) when I am finished with it?

In accordance with Public Health Agency advice, waste should be double bagged and stored safely and securely for at least 72 hours. After this time the waste can be treated as non-hazardous waste and dealt with in the normal manner. If storage for at least 72 hours is not appropriate, it will have to be treated as hazardous infectious waste by a specialist clinical waste contractor. For further advice on the documentation requirements and facility details please contact the NIEA Hazardous Waste Team on Tel no: 028 9056 9710

Please view further details on this topic at PHA Guidance.

PHA guidance is updated on a regular basis therefore you are advised to visit the site regularly and check for updates.

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