Digital Datasets
Digital Datasets are held by the Department and are available for download in different file formats.
Digital Datasets
Various digital datasets held by the Department are now available for download from this website. This data can be used by Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The datasets that can be downloaded here are only digital boundaries - there is no background mapping. The digitising is based on Land & Property Services (LPS) / Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland (OSNI) maps and they can supply vector and raster maps for background mapping for Northern Ireland.
File Formats
Free applications, are available for download which allows these datasets to be viewed. You may search Open source GIS tools for a suitable provider. The datasets are available as zipped shapefiles and also available as open data at OpenDataNI . You may also wish to view the data at NED Map Viewer.
Some of these datasets are also available in GML 3 format. This is an open source format for geographical data and is specified by the Open Geospatial Consortium. If you have problems reading these files, please contact
Zip Files
Zipping a file means that the file is compressed to a more manageable size, saving you time on downloads. The files will have to be unzipped before they can be used in a GIS package. To get WinZip, click
The Irish National Grid is a different grid system from the British National Grid. Most GIS packages do not allow you to view datasets that are based on different grid systems, but some allow you to translate between different projections. To overcome this, you have the choice here to download datasets in either Irish Grid or British Grid.
Use of the datasets
Please note that by downloading the digital datasets, you will be accepting the Terms and Conditions as shown on the download page.