Lagan Valley AONB was designated in 1965 and mostly lies within the Lagan Valley Regional Park.

Lagan Valley

Focused on the course of the River Lagan, this AONB, designated in 1965, is easily accessible to the large population of the Belfast Urban Area. Most of the AONB now lies within the Lagan Valley Regional Park which was designated in 1967. The riverbank scenery, meadows, woods and the pleasant pastoral land of the Lagan Valley make this a peaceful haven. The area has a rich heritage, not only through its impressive monuments such as the Giant's Ring, its Early Christian raths and the remnants of fine estates, but also its important industrial archaeology related to linen production and the old Lagan Canal and its towpath.

Further information and details of the area's management plan can be found on the Lagan Valley Regional Park website.

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