School Milk Subsidy Scheme
This scheme encourages the consumption of drinking milk by making it available in schools at a reduced cost to pupils. It has also an educational dimension in that it encourages a healthy way of living and sound eating habits at an early age.
About the scheme
DAERA, administers the scheme in Northern Ireland and delivery is provided by each of the five Education Authority regions.
A Guide to the School Milk Subsidy Scheme in Northern Ireland gives an outline of the scheme and explains how it works. It sets out the requirements that apply to the Education Authority regions and the schools they claim for.
For many years European Union Member States have been required under EU law to offer subsidised drinking milk and dairy products to nursery and primary schools; Member States had the option of paying a national 'top-up' subsidy. Both of these subsidies were paid in Northern Ireland.
Although the United Kingdom has left the European Union, the School Milk Subsidy Scheme will continue: it will be funded in Northern Ireland by the Northern Ireland Executive.
This scheme in Northern Ireland aims to promote healthy eating habits among children, by focusing on the provision of subsidised milk. The distribution of the products in schools is part of a wider scheme to teach children about food and farming, and the importance of a balanced diet.
The current position in Northern Ireland is:
- the subsidy is paid on drinking milk, flavoured milk and plain yoghurt supplied to children in primary, special and secondary schools
- the price charged to pupils must reflect the amount of subsidy provided
- participation by schools is at the discretion of school management
- schools wishing to participate in the Scheme should liaise with their local Education Authority region which prepares a composite claim for all schools in its area
- each school participating in the Scheme must display an A3 size poster in the entrance hall advertising the subsidy
- each school participating in the Scheme must display a poster illustrating benefits of drinking milk
A template version of the poster is available at School Milk Subsidy School Poster.
Claims by Education Authority regions for payment must be submitted within three months of the end of the term.