The Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) has published a Consultation on the Strategic Way Forward for the future management of Wildfires in Northern Ireland.
- Wildfires in Northern Ireland - Draft Strategic Way Forward - Consultation
- Consultation - Wildfires in NI - Draft Strategic Way Forward - Acessable Version
- Rural Needs Impact Assessment Wildfire
- Accessibility Compliant S75 Screening Template Wildfire Consultation
Consultation description
The document outlines five strategic goals for how the wildfire problem should be addressed. The document sets out six key areas to be addressed and developed as part of the Strategic Way Forward, these include Governance, Engagement, Land Management, Response, Policy, Legislation and Enforcement and Evidence.
We look forward to hearing your views on the range of proposals to be developed to help shape the final document setting the way forward regarding wildfires. Responses to this consultation will help refine the actions to be taken forward to address the wildfire issue in Northern Ireland.
NIEA is keen to have as many responses as possible to the questions posed throughout the Plan and would encourage everyone to contribute. We look forward to hearing your views as these will help shape the final document setting out the way forward regarding wildfires in Northern Ireland and will help inform the development of associated actions.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.