Environment Strategy Consultation

Consultation opened on 11 November 2021. Closing date 18 January 2022.


The Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs (DAERA), on behalf of the Northern Ireland Executive, has published a consultation on the draft Environment Strategy and welcomes the views of everyone across Northern Ireland. Your views matter. We would encourage participation from all interested parties. The primary method for responses is online via Citizen Space.


Consultation description

DAERA is pleased to present this consultation on the draft Environment Strategy on behalf of the Northern Ireland Executive

The Environment Strategy is intended to be an overarching document setting out Northern Ireland’s environmental priorities for the coming decades and will form part of the Green Growth agenda (the Green Growth Strategy will provide more detail on actions in respect of climate change & greenhouse gas emissions)

The Environment Strategy will form the basis for a coherent and effective set of interventions that can deliver real improvements in the quality of the environment and thereby improve the health and well-being of all who live and work here; elevate Northern Ireland to an environmental leader; create opportunities to develop our economy; and enable us to play our part in protecting the global environment for decades to come

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