Forest Service, an Agency of the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs previously provided an opinion on an a deforestation project of 3.3 hectares in respect of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Forestry) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006 (as amended). It was concluded that the project was a relevant project due to its likely significant effect on the environment arising from its possible impact on water quality. An application for consent is required before a relevant project can proceed. This is achieved through the preparation of an environmental statement
Consultation description
The Department is now consulting on the additional information provided and will consider all responses before deciding whether to grant consent. Where no objection in relation to the likely environmental effects of the project is made, consent will be granted and the project will proceed as the project is unlikely to have significant effects on the environment in NI or the RoI.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.