Proposal for a new NIEA Regulatory Charging Policy for the period 2016-21
Consultation description
The Regulatory Charging Policy covers those fees and charges associated with waste, water and pollution control regulations. Corporate compliance with environmental standards should be the aim of every business in Northern Ireland.
NIEA is committed to delivering an effective and supportive regulatory system to protect the environment and promote sustainable growth, which is fair and proportionate to those we regulate, including the level of charges we apply.
NIEA’s fees and charges are set in accordance with statutory requirements, Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) and Treasury guidance and the Agency’s three-year Charging Policy, 2013-16. One of the key aspects of DFP and Treasury guidance is the maintenance of full cost recovery whereby the income generated from the charging schemes covers the cost of resources involved in the delivery of the regulatory activities.
The Agency’s current Regulatory Charging Policy expires in March 2016 and this consultation is seeking views on the proposed new Regulatory Charging Policy to adjust our regulatory fees and charges up by the GDP deflator rate for the period 2016-21.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.