The Department of Agriculture Environment and Rural Affairs' (DAERA) predecessor The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) reviewed the fees charged for membership of the Northern Ireland Poultry Health Assurance Scheme (NIPHAS) in 2016. This involved the introduction of amending fees legislation. A consultation was carried out to seek the views of stakeholders. Information on this consultation can be found below:
- NIPHAS fees 2016 - consultation letter
- NIPHAS fees 2016 - consultee list
- NIPHAS fees 2016 - draft regulatory impact assessment
- The Northern Ireland Poultry Health Assurance Scheme (Fees) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2016 (draft)
- Summary of responses
Consultation description
The Northern Ireland Poultry Health Assurance Order (Northern Ireland) 2011 provides a statutory basis for DAERA to charge fees for membership of the Northern Ireland Poultry Health Assurance Scheme (NIPHAS). Current fees payable for Scheme membership are set out in The Northern Ireland Poultry Health Assurance Scheme (Fees) (Amendment) Order (NI) 2016.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.