Rathlin Island European Marine Site Management Scheme

Consultation opened on 05 December 2012. Closing date 04 March 2013.


A draft document to identify issues which should be included in the Rathlin Island European Marine Site Management Scheme.


Consultation description

This draft management scheme for the Rathlin Island European Marine Site (EMS) aims to secure compliance with the objectives of the European Habitats and Birds Directives (Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora and Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds).

The intention of the Rathlin Island EMS Management Scheme will be to provide the key management guidance that is applicable to the designated marine areas surrounding Rathlin Island plus areas of the Rathlin Island Special Protection Area (SPA) given the interaction between the birds that use the Rathlin SPA and the EMS.

The final management scheme will also set out a mechanism for monitoring and review which will enable the Department to follow the condition of the EMS and to reconvene a meeting of the key stakeholders if any changes to the EMS scheme are highlighted and required in the future.

Once completed, this document will hopefully assist all those presently working for the benefit Rathlin Island to work together to ensure that the marine nature conservation interest which is an intrinsic part of the island’s heritage, is sustained for future generations and managed as far as possible in harmony with the socioeconomic interests of the area.

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