On 20 September 2023 the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland wrote to Permanent Secretaries of Northern Ireland Departments directing that they launch public consultations on measures to support budget sustainability by raising additional revenue
This consultation seeks views on a proposal to reduce the compensation rate for cattle removed under the bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) programme on a phased basis, with a reduction to 90% of the bovine animal’s market value in the first year of implementation with a further reduction to 75% of the animal’s market value a year later.
- 24.25.055 Responses to the Consultation on a Proposal to Reduce the Compensation Rate for Cattle Removed under the bovine Tuberculosis (bTB) Programme - Summary Report 2
- 23.24.128 Consultation on a Proposal to Reduce the Compensation Rate for Cattle Removed under the Bovine (bTB) Programme
- Consultation paper on compensation changes - Regulatory Impact Assessment (annex B)
- Consultation paper on compensation changes - Rural Needs impact assessment (annex C)
- Consultation paper on compensation changes - Equality and disability screening (annex D)
Consultation description
As set out in the document “Financial context for revenue raising consultations” published by the Department of Finance, the Northern Ireland Public Sector is facing very challenging financial circumstances.
The cost to government of delivering the bTB programme in Northern Ireland has increased significantly over the last number of years. In the five financial years between 2016/17 and 2020/21, the average annual cost of delivering the programme was £38.4million with an average annual compensation bill of £21.35million. However, in 2022/23, the Programme cost had risen to a record £53m with compensation accounting for just over £38m of this amount.
Given the well documented pressures on public expenditure, the current cost to government of the bTB Programme is not sustainable. Therefore, the Secretary of State’s direction, under section 5A of the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2022, instructed DAERA to seek views on reducing bTB compensation.
This is with a view to ensuring that the bTB programme remains affordable and continues to be able to support the Northern Ireland cattle industry which is estimated to be worth around £2.1 billion per annum to our local economy.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.