CAFRE Business Development Group discusses the benefits of using DAERA Online Services

Date published: 21 January 2019

Dr Ronan Coll (CAFRE IT Technologist) led an enthusiastic discussion with Senan White (CAFRE Development Adviser) and the Banbridge Sheep Business Development Group.

CAFRE’s Banbridge Sheep Business Development Group and ICT technologist Dr Ronan Coll meet to discuss the benefits of using DAERA Online Services on their farms.

The group met at Banbridge Enterprise Centre on Wednesday 16 January to discuss the various online services available from DAERA. They were keen to ensure they were making best use of all the available services.

The group members are all registered to use DAERA Online Services. Most group members had used eSAF to submit their Single Application Forms and had used APHIS online to complete calf birth registrations.

Ronan also demonstrated other services and features that the group had not yet used such as post mortem reports, mapping tools and nutrient calculators. The group agreed that the APHIS post mortem information is a valuable management tool which would help them control and prevent disease problems in their herd or flock.

Ronan showed the group how DAERA online mapping tool can be used to view detailed information about their fields and how the built-in measuring tools can simplify jobs such as measuring hedgerow lengths or paddock areas.

There was a lot of interest in the CAFRE nutrient calculators and calculating Nitrogen loading information. Ronan showed the group how the N loading calculator, in conjunction with livestock reports from APHIS online, can be used to quickly determine the businesses Nitrogen loading value. The group members could use the N Loading calculator to plan the import or export of manure, whilst ensuring they remain compliant with regulations.

The group agreed, that whilst they were registered to use DAERA Online Services, there were many features and functions that they had not tried. They were also happy to hear that DAERA and CAFRE provide help and support for DAERA Online Services. There are also training programmes available for services such as eSAF, APHIS online and Nutrient Calculators, where farm business members can learn how to make best use of the online services. 

Speaking at the meeting, Banbridge Beef and Sheep farmer Brian Cromie, commented that “DAERA Online Services offers so much more than I thought. It’s not just for checking my herd list and notifying bought calves, which I have been doing. Now I’ll be able to notify movements to the sale or abattoir which I have previously been doing through the paper-based system”.

For more information about DAERA Online Services, please contact your local DAERA direct office or the online services helpdesk on: 028 9442 669 or email:

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