Have your say on Northern Ireland’s emissions targets
Date published:
The first of three public consultation sessions on Northern Ireland’s Carbon Budget will be held this Thursday, 31 August.
Organised by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), the in person and online events will provide an opportunity for people to have their say on how they think we should tackle the threats presented by climate change.
The findings will then set an agreed carbon budget and targets and will help inform Northern Ireland’s first Climate Action Plan.
Details of the public consultation events are:
1. Derry/Londonderry, 31 August 2023, 2pm - 4.30pm, Foyle Valley Railway Museum & North West Learning Disability Centre, 1 Foyle Road, Derry/Londonderry, BT48 6SQ.
2. Belfast, 05 September 2023, 2pm - 4.30pm, Belfast City Hall, BT1 5GS.
3. Online, 07 September 2023, 7pm - 8.30pm.
In June, DAERA launched NI’s first ever consultation on Carbon Budgets for 2023-2027, 2028-2032 and 2033-2037 as well as the interim targets that should be set for 2030 and 2040 for reductions in greenhouse gases. A carbon budget sets the maximum amount of greenhouse gas emissions over a given period of time.
DAERA is also seeking views through the consultation on the UK Climate Change Committee (CCC), recommended Path to Net Zero for Northern Ireland and is keen to hear from individuals, businesses, communities, and other organisations from across Northern Ireland.
The 16-week consultation runs until 11 October 2023 and can be accessed on the DAERA website.
Register for the public consultation events
Notes to editors:
- The Climate Change Committee (CCC) is an independent, statutory body established under the Climate Change Act 2008. Its purpose is to advise the UK and devolved governments on emissions targets and to report to Parliament on progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preparing for and adapting to the impacts of climate change.
- Download the consultation document.
- The Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 sets a statutory target of Net Zero by 2050 and includes a number of requirements such as setting five-year carbon budgets to cap emissions. It specifies a requirement for a 16-week consultation on the first carbon budget.
- A carbon budget represents the total amount of emissions that may be emitted during a five-year period, measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
- The Act also requires the development, consultation on and publication of Northern Ireland’s first Climate Action Plan by the end of 2023. Some new policies, programmes, and approaches to decision-making on investment are needed to secure the necessary progress towards net zero. Work across all departments here to identify the sorts of policy changes that would be needed continues at pace so that returning ministers can receive advice to inform the decisions they will need to take to ensure compliance with the emissions targets contained in the Act
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