Options Analysis for Veterinary Education commences
Date published:
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs has commissioned analysis of options to deliver a more secure, long term supply of vets for NI, including consideration of the various models for third level veterinary education.
Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots commented: “I have been concerned for some time that Northern Ireland may not attract sufficient veterinary surgeons to meet the needs of the local agri-food industry in the future, and I have been keen that my Department continues to explore options for a more secure supply of vets for Northern Ireland on a longer term basis.
“Northern Ireland is particularly exposed in this respect as its agri-food industry depends so much on exports and a high animal health and welfare status; while it is the only region of the United Kingdom that does not have its own indigenous veterinary education facility.
“Whilst in post, my colleague Gordon Lyons met with the Vice-Chancellors of Ulster University (UU) Professor Paul Bartholomew and the Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), Professor Ian Greer, to discuss the potential and the possibility of developing a veterinary school for Northern Ireland.
“An analysis of options to deliver a more assured supply of vets for NI into the long term, including consideration of the various models for third level veterinary education has now been commissioned.
“This analysis will be taken forward by officials working with the Strategic Investment Board, under the joint oversight of the Department’s Chief Veterinary Officer and senior representatives from the two universities. The analysis and identification of the best potential options is expected to be complete before the end of the year.”
Queen’s University Vice-Chancellor Professor Greer said, “The engagement with DAERA was a key step for the development of a Veterinary School in Northern Ireland, which has always depended on veterinary graduates from GB and Ireland. Being able to produce our own vets would be transformative for Northern Ireland and particularly our agri-food industry, which is such an important part of the economy. Furthermore, the proposal will draw on the collective strengths and assets of Northern Ireland with a novel and exciting partnership model. We look forward to further engagement on this in the coming months.”
Professor Carol Curran, Executive Dean, Faculty of Life and Health Sciences, Ulster University said: “Ulster University is supportive of proposals to consider the establishment of a Veterinary School in Northern Ireland and interested in discussing this concept more fully to develop a preferred way forward with the Steering Group which includes the relevant government departments and stakeholders. Ulster University offers outstanding overlapping provision in a range of disciplines, including our existing expertise in biomedical sciences and pharmacy and through a strategic and longstanding partnership with CAFRE. Therefore we are confident we can bring related and valued expertise and experience to this discussion.”
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