Poots announces opening of Environment Fund Competition
Date published:
The Strategic Strand of the Environment Fund has been opened for applications by Environment Minister Edwin Poots.
The competition is open to not-for-profit organisations and councils to deliver projects that deliver key environmental outcomes across Northern Ireland.
In opening the competition, Minister Poots said: “The Environment Fund has supported the delivery of key environmental outcomes by the environmental Not-for-Profit sector for many years. I hope the new Environment Fund will successfully deliver against new and emerging environmental priorities and deliver benefits for us all. The passion of the organisations improving our environment is growing year on year and I have seen at first hand the levels of partnership working and volunteer enthusiasm within the sector. I have been highly impressed by the work that they do, which is contributing to the safeguarding and improvement of our precious environment for future generations.
“The Environment Fund will help us to continue to deliver DAERA’s strategic aims and those in the Programme for Government. It enables environmental organisations to improve the condition of our habitats and species and build their resilience to climate change; support green growth and the preservation of our peatlands; improve the quality of fresh and coastal waters; enhance health and well-being through provision of access; and increase the understanding and appreciation and engagement with our environment. I wish them all success in this new competition.”
In addition to the benefits to the environment the Environment Fund also benefits the economy and society. Minister Poots said: “We engage regularly with the environment sector and are aware that the Environment Fund is a key source of funding for them. For example, last year the Environment Fund committed over £8m to support 38 organisations to deliver environmental projects. This enables organisations to secure additional match funding from other sources and supports a wide range of jobs throughout our society. In addition to this it provides other societal benefits by helping to maintain and create valued landscapes in which people like to live, work and invest and it provides opportunities for people to interact and engage with our rich natural heritage, which can benefit our health and wellbeing. I look forward to seeing what exciting projects are submitted for this competition.”
Further information, including guidance notes and details of how you can apply for funding.
The closing date for applications is noon on 8 November.
Notes to editors:
- The full eligibility and environmental impact priorities of the fund can be found on the DAERA website at https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/articles/environment-fund.
- The maximum amount of Government funding available under the competition will normally be 85% of eligible project costs, except in exceptional circumstances.
- Applications can be submitted up until noon on 8th November 2022.
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