Application for a Marine Licence for extension to existing coastal defence at Curran Strand, Portrush - Notice of Environmental Consent Decision

Date published: 12 January 2024

Last updated: 15 January 2024

DAERA wishes to thank individuals and organisations who have responded to a consultation on the marine licence application for the proposed extension to existing coastal defence at Curran Strand, Portrush .

Based on the information received through consultation, DAERA as the Marine Licensing Authority concludes that EIA consent under the Marine Works (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations, 2007, as amended can be given. The Marine Licensing Authority, through assessment of the environmental impacts detailed within the Environmental Statement and through consultation is satisfied that all material considerations have been assessed and adequate mitigation has been identified to minimise the impacts of the project. The mitigation identified will be incorporated into the Marine Licence and will augment the existing mitigation in the planning permission.

Copies of the Environmental Consent Decision and other relevant application documents are available below.

The marine licence consultation and documents remain available to view online at Marine Licence ML2022016 Curran Strand, Portrush.


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