Developing Angling in Northern Ireland - Reports
Date published:
Social and Economic Impact of Angling in Northern Ireland Report - 2007A report to examine the social and economic impact of recreational angling (coarse, game and sea angling) in Northern Ireland and areas within the Loughs Agency’s jurisdiction in the Republic of Ireland was published in July 2007.Strategic Review of Angling in Northern Ireland (NI) - Executive Summary 2013The Strategic Review of Angling in Northern Ireland (NI) final report was published in February 2014, with updates published in October 2016 and May 2022.
- Update on Strategic Review of Angling in NI - Sports NI - May 2022
- The Strategic Review of Angling 2013 - An update on Developments (October 2016)
- A Strategic Review of Angling in Northern Ireland (Final Report - February 2014)
- A Strategic Review of Angling in Northern Ireland (Executive Summary - 2013)
- Social and Economic impact of Angling in Northern Ireland Report - 2007