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An approved Journey Log (JL) is required for journeys of livestock and unregistered horses on long journeys (over 8 hours) to EU Member States and Third Countries.
TRACES NT (TNT) replaced TRACES classic on the 6 November 2021.This system has been created, and is managed and updated by the EU. Included as part of this system change was the introduction of the compulsory completion of an on-line JL within TNT.
It is the responsibility of the transporter/journey organiser to create and complete the JL application. In order to be able to do this, they will need to create an EU Login account, register on TNT and request a user role.
Please note that it is not the responsibility of DAERA staff or your Authorised Private Veterinary Practitioner (aPVP) to create a Journey Log.
For help and guidance on getting registered on TNT and how to create and update the JL please refer to the Journey Log user guide amended for NI users available via the DAERA website: TRACES NT – Animal Journey Log user guide – amended for NI users.
Full functionality to allow completion of all of sections of a JL is not yet available on TNT. At present only Sections 1 and 2 can be completed on TNT. Section 1 should be completed by the transporter/journey organiser on TNT.
Section 2 is meant to be signed off on TNT by the Keeper at the Place of Departure. Also an aPVP is meant to counter-sign Section 2 on TNT. However given ongoing problems with TNT, DAERA are continuing to approve paper copies of JLs as a temporary support measure. This paper journey log will be IN ADDITION to the TNT version which must still be created to allow the Export Health Certificate on TNT to be validated. You should continue to use the normal DAERA application process for a paper JL approval.
An application form for a new JL is provided at the link below. The Dungannon and Mallusk DAERA Direct Offices are responsible for processing all JLs. Each office has responsibility for processing JLs specific to the geographic area/DAERA Direct office in which the journey will begin.
CSB Dungannon or Mallusk will process Journey Logs for the office network as follows:
Dungannon |
Mallusk |
Armagh Enniskillen Newry Omagh |
Ballymena Londonderry Coleraine Newtownards |
Details for each of these offices is also available at the link below. Although any local DEARA Direct office may be contacted, we would recommend that a JL application is sent to either the Dungannon or Mallusk office directly to minimise potential delays.
Until Oct 2022, PROPERLY COMPLETED JLs must have been received by the DAERA Direct Office within two working days of the date of departure. However, our experience has shown that two working days is often not sufficient time to allow DAERA staff to review the JLs submitted, particularly for the more complicated journeys, and allow the transporter time to make any necessary amendments to the journey.
As a result, we recommend that JLs are submitted to the DAERA Direct Office AT LEAST 5 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF DEPARTURE.
This should ensure that adequate time is allowed for the JLs to be properly completed and all issues fully addressed. If inadequate time is allowed, this runs the risk of a JL not being approved before the proposed departure date.
The organiser/transporter/exporter still needs to create and complete the necessary sections of the JL module on Traces NT