Marine Construction licence ML2023024- Strathfoyle Sewage Siphons Upgrade
Date published:
The Proposed Scheme is to upgrade the existing Strathfoyle Siphons, which are located within the Culmore catchment of Derry City
Proposal Description
Reference: ML2023024
Project Type: Construction
Location: Strathfoyle, Lough Foyle
Coordinates: IGR 246600 421380
Project Description: The Proposed Scheme is to upgrade the existing Strathfoyle Siphons, which are located within the Culmore catchment of Derry City. The siphons are currently not passing forward their required design flow and there are issues with regards to access for maintenance and cleaning. The existing twin siphons are critical to Derry City’s sewerage infrastructure as they are required to transfer the equivalent of a third of the sewage generated within the city from the East to the West bank of the River Foyle. The twin siphons currently cross under the River Foyle at Strathfoyle and transfer influent to a gravity trunk sewer, which gravitates from the east bank of the River Foyle to the Culmore Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW).
Applicant: NI Water
Status: Active
Date Licence Issued: 22/03/2024