Marine Licence ML 21_17 Red Bay Dredge

Date published: 06 April 2020

Last updated: 23 November 2022

Dredging Works are required at Red Bay Pier. The works are required to re-establish sufficient water depth at low tide along the quay wall as the high levels of deposition have disrupted the boats ability to dock here.

Proposal Description

Reference: ML 21_17
Project Type: Dredge (Capital)
Location: Red Bay
Coordinates: 55.066300, -6.053900
Project Description: Dredge of Red Bay Harbour
Applicant: Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Status: Expired
Date Issued: 06/03/2019
Licence Start Date: 06/03/2019
Licence End Date: 05/03/2020

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