Marine Licence ML 3_18 Cushendun Slipway Dredge
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The National Trust plan to dredge the slipway in Cushendun Harbour to improve access for recreational purposes. It is proposed that all uncontaminated sediment be removed at periods of spring low tide and relocated to the upper beach profile to ensure the sediment remains in the local sediment cell.
Proposal Description
Reference: ML 3_18
Project Type: Dredge (Capital)
Location: Cushendun
Coordinates: 55.12533 -6.040358
Project Description: Dredge of slipway at Cushendun
Applicant: National Trust
Status: Expired
Date Issued: 05/12/2018
Licence Start Date: 07/12/2018
Licence End Date: 06/12/2021