Marine Licence ML2021001 VT4 Ferry Terminal, Belfast Harbour - Phase 1

Date published: 02 September 2021

Last updated: 06 December 2022

Phase 1 – repair of rock armour which protects the scour protection area at VT4, Belfast Harbour

Proposal Description

Reference: ML2021001
Project Type: Marine Construction
Location: Easting 337135, Northing 378699
Coordinates: 337135E, 378699W
Project Description: Phase 1 – repair of rock armour which protects the scour protection area at VT4, Belfast Harbour
Applicant: Belfast Harbour Commissioners
Status: Active
Date Issued: 04/11/2021
Licence Start Date: 04/11/2021
Licence End Date: 03/11/2022

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