Marine Licence ML2021001 VT4 Ferry Terminal, Belfast Harbour - Phase 2

Date published: 02 September 2021

Last updated: 19 June 2024

Proposed repair works to the existing scour protection, comprising repairs to the concrete mattress system and placement of rock armour (Phase 2), at the VT4 berth in Belfast Harbour, Belfast

Proposal Description

Reference: ML2021001
Project Type:  Marine Construction
Location: Belfast Harbour
Coordinates: Easting 337135, Northing 378699
Project Description: The Phase 2 works comprise repair works to the existing concrete mattresses and the placement rock armour along a sloped mattress. The aim is to repair collapsed sections of the existing mattresses and fill beneath the undermined mattresses to prevent any further collapse. The concrete plug between the quay wall and inner mattress edge will also be reinstated, with an improved detail to protect against any future propeller wash action. Rock armour placement along the reinstated sloped section of the mattresses will also be completed.
Applicant: Belfast Harbour Commissioners
Date Issued:
Licence Start Date:

Licence End Date:

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