Marine Licence ML2022009 VAR-2 Red Bay Pier
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The proposed project involves remedial works to Red Bay Pier that are essential for its preservation. The proposed Works comprises installation of a new sheet pile wall around the head of the pier. The new wall will be 93m in length and installed approximately 1m seaward of the existing sheet pile wall. The area in between the existing and proposed sheet pile walls will be filled with concrete. The wall will be anchored at the top by raking ground anchors. A reinforced concrete capping beam will be constructed to connect the heads of the piles and transfer the horizontal anchor loads. It is
Proposal Description
Reference: ML2022009 VAR-2
Project Type: Construction
Location: Red Bay Pier
Coordinates: D 24329 26075
Project Description: The proposed Works comprises installation of a new sheet pile wall around the head of the pier. The new wall will be 93m in length and installed approximately 1m seaward of the existing sheet pile wall. The area in between the existing and proposed sheet pile walls will be filled with concrete. The wall will be anchored at the top by raking ground anchors. A reinforced concrete capping beam will be constructed to connect the heads of the piles and transfer the horizontal anchor loads. It is anticipated that a small section of rock armour revetment at the seaward outer corner of the pier will be removed and temporarily relocated onsite for reinstatement following driving of the piles.
Applicant: Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
Status: Active
Date Issued: 10/04/2024
Licence Start Date: 10/04/2024
Licence End Date: 26/02/2025
- Marine Construction Licence - Application Form
- ML2022009 VAR-2 Marine Licence Redacted
- Ecological Clerk of Works - Final Report - Condition 19 - Supplementary Evidence
- ML2022009 - Construction Licence
- DoC Form - Condition No.19
- ML2022009 - ML Variation Request Form
- ML2022009 - Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
- ML2022009 - Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Assessment
- ML2022009 - Preliminary Methodology
- ML2022009 - Site Plan & Location Plan - Drawing
- ML2022009 - Existing Plan - Drawing
- ML2022009 - Existing Sections - Drawing
- ML2022009 - Proposed Plan - Drawing
- ML2022009 - Proposed Sections - Drawing
- ML2022009 - Proposed Details - Drawing
- ML2022009 - Temporary Removal & Stockpiling of Rock Armour - Drawing
- ML2022009 - Temporary Removal & Stockpiling of Rock Armour Sections - Drawing
- ML2022009 - Designated Conservation Areas - Drawing
- ML2022009 - Waterfoot MCZ Boundry - Drawing
- DoC Form - Condition No.14
- Notice to Mariners - Condition 22 - Supplementary evidence
- DoC Form - Condition No.22
- DoC Form - Condition No.20 (19)
- DoC Form - Condition No.13