Marine Licence ML2022012 - River Foyle, Strabane

Date published: 24 April 2024

Last updated: 26 July 2024

Construction of pedestrian/ cycle bridge spanning the River Foyle as part of the cross border Riverine Community Park project.

Reference: ML2022012
Project Type: Construction
Location: Coordinates: Irish Grid Reference: 234119, 398597
Project Description: Construction of pedestrian/cycle bridge and associated temporary in channel works at the River Foyle, Strabane, Co Tyrone
Applicant: Derry City & Strabane District Council (Agent – McAdam Design)
Status: Active
Application complete: 30/08/2023
Licence Start Date: 05/03/2024
Licence End Date: 05/03/2026

This marine licence application had a Consultation page created for all associated documents including

  1. Marine Construction Licence Application Form
  2. Shadow Habitat Regulations Assessment
  3. Environmental Statement
  4. Table of Contents for Environmental Statement
  5. Outline CEMP
  6. Combined Drawings – Strabane
  7. Combined Drawings – Lifford (For reference)
  8. An Bord Pleanála Planning Approval documents
  9. EIA Screening Report

If you wish to view these documents, please visit the Riverine Community Project Marine Licence - ML2022012 Consultation page.

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