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5063 publications

Six Mile Water Local Management Area Action Plan and Update – December 2013

Published 12 December 2013Development plan/framework

South Down Local Management Area Action Plan and Update – December 2013

Published 12 December 2013Development plan/framework

Strangford Lough Local Management Area Action Plan and Update – December 2013

Published 12 December 2013Development plan/framework

Strule Local Management Area Action Plan and Update – December 2013

Published 12 December 2013Development plan/framework

Upper Bann Local Management Area Action Plan and Update – December 2013

Published 12 December 2013Development plan/framework

River Basin Management Plans were published in December 2009. The plans will be implemented through Local Management Areas during 2009 to 2015.  The action plan details local measures identified to improve the water environment.

Published 12 December 2013Development plan/framework

Review for the management of DARD forests in North West Planning Area

Published 11 December 2013Consultation reports

Application for European Protected Species Licence to capture, kill, disturb, transport and/or damage/destroy the breeding site or resting places of any cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises and whales) & marine turtles

Published 10 December 2013Forms

Method statement for marine wildlife licence applications affecting European protected species only

Published 10 December 2013Guidance literature

Application for European Protected Species Licence to possess specimens, parts or derivatives of any cetaceans (dolphins, porpoises and whales) & marine turtles.

Published 10 December 2013Forms

Application for a Wildlife Licence to kill, take, disturb, transport/trade or injure Schedule 5 marine species

Published 10 December 2013Forms

Application for a Wildlife Licence to possess specimens, parts or derivatives of any Schedule 5 marine species

Published 10 December 2013Forms

Application for a Wildlife Licence – reference form

Published 10 December 2013Forms

The Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI) Local Management Area (LMA) Action Plan and update for Braid and Main 2013.

Published 09 December 2013Guidance literature

The Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI) Local Management Area (LMA) Action Plan and update for Burn Dennet 2013.

Published 09 December 2013Guidance literature

The Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI) Local Management Area (LMA) Action Plan and update for Bush 2013.

Published 09 December 2013Guidance literature

The Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI) Local Management Area (LMA) Action Plan and update for Carlingford and Newry 2013.

Published 09 December 2013Guidance literature

The Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI) Local Management Area (LMA) Action Plan and update for Derg and Mourne 2013.

Published 09 December 2013Guidance literature

The Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI) Local Management Area (LMA) Action Plan and update for Faughan 2013.

Published 09 December 2013Guidance literature

The Significant Water Management Issues (SWMI) Local Management Area (LMA) Action Plan and update for Glens and Rathlin 2013.

Published 09 December 2013Guidance literature

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