5167 publications
Lough Neagh Bann Catchment Stakeholder Group e-newsletter Issue 4 - September 2013
Lough Neagh Bann Catchment Stakeholder Group Newsletter Issue 4 - September 2013
Single Farm Payment information and guidance
This page contains information and guidance on the Single Application Form, Single Farm Payment and Business Related issues.
Changes to intra-EU trade regulations for breeding sheep and goats, fattening sheep and goats traded with negligible risk member states, and their semen/embryos
An information note produced by DAERA in relation to the changes to Intra-EU Trade Regulations for Breeding Sheep and Goats, Fattening Sheep and Goats traded with Negligible Risk Member States, and their Semen/Embryos.
Review of alternative technologies to fluidised bed combustion for poultry litter utilisation/disposal
A review of alternatives to fluidised bed combustion for poultry litter.
The Research Challenge Fund 2014 - application form and guidance
The Research Challenge Fund 2014 - application form and guidance
DAERA Enforcement Policy
The purpose of this Enforcement Policy is to provide information to stakeholders and guidance to staff on the Department’s approach to enforcement.
Bee Implementation Group minutes of meetings for 2014
Agendas and minutes of the meetings of the Bee Implementation Group for 2014
Ewe management - late pregnancy and early lactation
Techical note from CAFRE providing information on feeding ewe in late pregnancy.
Greenhouse Gas Implementation Partnership - Phase One Report 2014 and Executive summary
In December 2011, the Greenhouse Gas Implementation Partnership (GHGIP) published its Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy and Action Plan 'Efficient Farming Cuts Greenhouse Gases'. This strategy and related documents focus on improved farmer awareness leading to...
Precision water management in protected crops
Precision water management in protected crops - LEAF bulletin 008.(2012).
Technology projects - Water precision management
Information on current technology projects in water precision management.
Belfast Lough and Lagan Catchment Stakeholder Group 12 November 2013
Belfast Lough and Lagan Catchment Stakeholder Group 12 November 2013 minutes and presentations
Water pollution incidents and enforcement 2012
Water pollution incidents and enforcement, annual report data for 2012.
Disease management update presentation
Disease management update presentation by Jonathan Blake on 5th and 6th February 2014
NI Woodland Cover By Ownership Category
Woodland cover in Northern Ireland by ownership category
A review of the potential role of cattle slurry in the spread of bovine tuberculosis
The document is a review of the published work or work nearing completion on the role of slurry in spreading TB and whether it should be treated or disinfected prior to spreading.
Northern Ireland Identified Bathing Water Compliance 1998-2013
Northern Ireland Identified Bathing Water Compliance 1998-2013
Disposal of low level solid radioactive waste in Northern Ireland via controlled burial in landfill sites
Report into the disposal of low level solid radioactive waste in Northern Ireland via controlled burial in landfill sites
NI agricultural incomes 2013
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) has published the provisional figures for farm incomes in 2013.
Microbiological Results for Ballycastle Bathing Water 2008 to 2013
Microbiological Results for Ballycastle Bathing Water 2008 to 2013