2021 Competitive Call for Research Proposals (Closed)
DAERA is supporting research performing organisations in NI to participate as partners with their counterparts in the Republic of Ireland in joint proposals that will benefit the local rural and agri-food sectors. For the fourth time, DAERA will co-fund a new Research call under the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine’s (DAFM’s) competitive research funding programme which is now open for applications
Please note that the application process for this Competitive Call is now closed
DAERA has identified a number of topics in the DAFM’s 2021 Competitive Call for Research Proposals that are open for collaborative proposals between RoI and NI research organisations. Building on the success of previous years, this year sees the widest range of topics within the broad areas of shared strategic relevance;
- Climate, Environment, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
- Smart Sustainable Animal & Plant Production, Health & Welfare
- Rural Economy & Sustainable Development, Data & Agri-Digitalisation & Circular Bioeconomy
- Safe, Healthy Food for Human Nutrition
- Smart Food Processing and Manufacturing
Thematic Research Objectives and Targeted Research Projects eligible for DAERA co-funding are denoted with an asterisk and are as follows:
- All areas in Theme I. Climate, Environment, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services with the exception of Part A2;
- All areas in Theme II. Smart Sustainable Animal & Plant Production, Health & Welfare with the exception of Part A1;
- All areas in Theme III. Rural Economy & Sustainable Development, Data & Agri-Digitalisation & Circular Bioeconomy with the exception of Part B areas: Support the development of the Common European Agricultural Data Space; and Preparations for a Bioeconomy Observatory for a sustainable and circular bioeconomy;
- All areas in Theme IV. Safe, Healthy Food for Human Nutrition with the exception of Parts A1 and A4, and Part B areas: Use and consumption patterns of seaweed and halophytes in Ireland; Land spreading, and Risk of increasing Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning events in Ireland - an important food safety concern.
- All areas in Theme V. Smart Food Processing and Manufacturing.
DAERA funds NI researchers in successful project applications with DAFM funding partnering research organisation based in the Republic of Ireland.
The DAERA / DAFM Competitive Research Call encourages applications that are:
- collaborative & inter-institutional
- address multiple research objectives
- involve an integrated holistic approach
- multidisciplinary involving a number of biosciences and
- contribute meaningfully to innovation
DAERA provides funding, subject to budget availability, to the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Queen’s University Belfast and the Ulster University in successful projects in selected research areas within the call.
NI Applicants must submit a pre-approval template to the Chief Scientific Adviser’s Office at collaborative.research@daera-ni.gov.uk by 29th January 2021.
DAERA will confirm each project’s eligibility subject to budget availability and alignment with DAERA’s strategic priorities by Friday 5th February, in advance of full project submission via DAFM’s Research Online Portal.
Please download the pre-approval template by clicking the link below;
DAFM Research call 2021 pre-approval template
or request a copy by emailing collaborative.research@daera-ni.gov.uk.
Application information can be obtained by clicking on the link below;
Note: Applications must be received by 1pm on Sunday 28 February 2021.