Should DAERA be consulted?
Answering ‘Yes’ to any of the following questions will require consultation with DAERA.
Development type
Does the proposal fall within one of the following development types?
- development involving construction and/or engineering works within or adjacent to marine waters e.g. coastal property and access, marinas, jetties, quays, pontoons, aquaculture, pipelines, and shoreline protection schemes. Any development below the mean high water spring tide mark may require a marine licence from Marine and Fisheries Division (or the UK Marine Management Organisation in the NI offshore area) under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. This intentional overlap with The Planning Act facilitates coordinated joint decision making on intertidal development.
- tidal energy schemes
- dredging
- development linked to the marine environment but located inland, for example, a seaweed washing plant located inland but linked to seaweed harvesting, or a sand washing facility linked to offshore aggregate extraction.
Will the development involve discharge to the marine environment E.g. via a sea outfall?
Does the development involve works to be conducted in or near marine waters and there is a potential risk that the development will involveconstruction or operation likely to affect the marine environment as a result of:
- sediment release
- discharge of effluent or spillages of oils/fuels/cement/chemicals or other pollutants
- any temporary or permanent modification to the coastline
- noise disturbance (impacting marine mammals for example)
Further guidance
Guidance relating more specifically to the conservation and protection of salmon and inland fisheries and fish habitat is set out at:
Guidance relating more specifically to the conservation and protection of salmon and inland fisheries and fish habitat is set out at:
Comprehensive guidance is also available on:
Data sources
DAERA Digital Datasets for the Marine Environment: