Direct Landings - Journey Checklists
Journey checklists for direct landings of fishing vessels.
Direct landing requirements for Northern Ireland registered vessels landing into Northern Ireland
NI-registered vessels are only required to meet pre-existing obligations, such as those contained within the fisheries Control Regulation, when landing into ports in NI until further notice. Further discussions in the UK-EU Joint Committee will continue to take place on a range of areas covered in this guidance.
However, fisheries products exported to the EU through GB (as part of a GB consignment from a GB exporter) will require catch certification at the Northern Ireland Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Inspection Facility. In this case, the following process should be followed;
For vessels under 12m in length
If you are aware that some or all of the fisheries products that you catch will ultimately be exported to the EU through GB, you must submit your catch information as soon as possible after you land. Delays in submission of catch information may cause difficulties for exporters in obtaining catch certification.
On landing, submit paper log sheet (10m – 12m vessels) or email catch information with accurate weight of catch to for submission onto UK Fisheries Management databases. Required information to include;
- the Port Letter and Number (PLN) and the name of the fishing vessel
- the species and the relevant geographical area (ICES statistical sub rectangle) in which the catches were taken
- the dates of catches
- the date of departure from and of arrival to port, and the duration of the fishing trip
- the type of gear, mesh size and dimension
- the quantities of each species in kilograms live weight
- the number of fishing operations
You must also forward these same details to buyers. Catch information will be required to obtain catch certification for export to the EU.
For vessels over 12m in length
- Submit e-log once fishing operations are complete.
- Upon landing, ensure landing declaration is submitted as soon as possible to facilitate issue of catch certification.
- Forward the following details to buyers (the buyer will require this information to obtain catch certification for export to the EU);
- the Port Letter and Number (PLN) and the name of the fishing vessel
- the species and the relevant geographical area (ICES statistical sub rectangle) in which the catches were taken
- the dates of catches
- the date of departure from and of arrival to port, and the duration of the fishing trip
- the type of gear, mesh size and dimension
- the quantities of each species in kilograms live weight
- the number of fishing operations
Direct landing requirements for Northern Ireland registered vessels landing into GB
NI-registered vessels are only required to meet pre-existing obligations, such as those contained within the fisheries Control Regulation.
However, fisheries products landed in GB and transported to NI will require catch certification at the SPS Inspection Facility in NI. In this case, the following process should be followed;
For vessels under 12m in length
- Register on the Fish Export Service (FES) at this link to create UK catch certificates
- Get a UK Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number here
- Ensure your importer in NI is registered on TRACES NT here
- Register with Export Health Certificate (EHC) Online, at this link
- On landing, submit paper log sheet (10m – 12m vessels) or email catch information with accurate weight of catch to for submission onto UK Fisheries Management databases. Required information to include;
- the Port Letter and Number (PLN) and the name of the fishing vessel
- the species and the relevant geographical area (ICES statistical sub rectangle) in which the catches were taken
- the dates of catches
- the date of departure from and of arrival to port, and the duration of the fishing trip
- the type of gear, mesh size and dimension
- the quantities of each species in kilograms, live weight
- the number of fishing operations
- For vessels 10-12m in length, ensure a landing declaration is submitted as soon as possible to facilitate issue of catch certification.
- Complete a catch certificate on the Fish Export Service (FES) at this link
- Have the Export Health Certificate (EHC) signed by the GB based Environmental Health Officer (at the fishing port) – more details can be found here
- Ensure that catch certificate and EHC are uploaded to TRACES NT here
For vessels over 12m in length
- Register on the Fish Export Service (FES) at this link to create UK catch certificates
- Get a UK Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number here
- Ensure your importer in NI is registered on TRACES NT here
- Register with Export Health Certificate (EHC) Online, at this link
- Submit e-log once fishing operations are complete
- Upon landing, ensure landing declaration is submitted as soon as possible to facilitate issue of catch certification.
- Complete a catch certificate on the Fish Export Service (FES)* at this link
- Have the Export Health Certificate (EHC) signed by the GB based Environmental Health Officer (at the fishing port) – more details can be found here
- Ensure that catch certificate and EHC are uploaded to TRACES NT here
*Certain species are exempt from the requirement for a catch certificate (scallops, including queen scallops, farmed aquaculture products). If you are landing exempt fisheries products you will need to complete a prior notification for exempt fisheries product form. This form can be found on the Fish Export Service (FES) at this link
Direct landing requirements for Northern Ireland registered vessels landing into RoI
Direct landings by fishing vessels registered in Northern Ireland are subject to the Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing regulations and North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) obligations when landing in EU ports, including RoI, from 01 January 2021.
Requirements notably include restriction to IUU and NEAFC designated ports and obligation to submit a prior-notification of arrival, a pre-landing declaration of catch, a Catch Certificate and NEAFC PSC form to request authorisation to land.
From 1st February 2021 the list of RoI IUU designated ports includes:
- Burtonport
- Castletownbere
- Greencastle
- Howth
- Killybegs
- Rathmullan
- Rhos a Mhil (Rosaveel)
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) process: Prior notification of arrival, pre landing declaration, catch certificate
For vessels under 12m in length
- Register on the Fish Export Service (FES) at this link to create UK catch certificates
- Download prior notification here and pre-Landing declaration forms here from FES.
- Complete forms with best estimate of catch to be landed and email to 72 hours before landing for frozen fish or 4hrs for fresh fish.
- On landing, submit paper log sheet (10m – 12m vessels) or email catch information with accurate weight of catch to for submission onto UK Fisheries Management databases. Required information to include;
- the Port Letter and Number (PLN) and the name of the fishing vessel.
- the species and the relevant geographical area (ICES statistical sub rectangle) in which the catches were taken.
- the dates of catches
- the date of departure from and of arrival to port, and the duration of the fishing trip
- the type of gear, mesh size and dimension
- the quantities of each species in kilograms, live weight
- the number of fishing operations
- Complete a catch certificate on the Fish Export Service (FES) at this link
- Email your validated catch certificate to
For vessels over 12m in length
- Register on the Fish Export Service (FES) at this link to create UK catch certificates
- Submit e-log, electronic prior notification of arrival and pre landing declaration 72 hours before landing for frozen fish or 4hrs for fresh fish.
- Complete a catch certificate on the Fish Export Service (FES)* at this link and email to 72 hours before landing for frozen or 4hrs for fresh fish.
*Certain species are exempt from requirement for a catch certificate (scallops, including queen scallops, farmed aquaculture products). If you are landing exempt fisheries products you will need to complete a prior notification for exempt fisheries product form. This form can be found on the Fish Export Service (FES) at this link.
NEAFC Prior Notification process:
From 1st February 2021 the list of RoI NEAFC designated ports includes:
- Burtonport
- Castletownbere
- Greencastle
- Howth
- Killybegs
- Rathmullan
- Rhos a Mhil (Rosaveel)
Check the NEAFC entry requirements for these ports here.
For all vessels
- UK registered vessels will need to land fish into one of the EU designated ports listed above under NEAFC regulations
- Register your vessel with NEAFC Port State Control system here
- Submit a NEAFC Port state Control form (PSC1 or PSC2)* here. This must be done 72 hours before landing for frozen or 4hrs before landing for fresh fish. NEAFC are responsible for onward submission to Fisheries Monitoring Centre (UKFMC)
*If the PSC1 or PSC2 forms are filled out incorrectly, this may result in delays to landing and resubmission of the forms may be required in order to land.
There are no new food safety requirements (SPS Checks) for UK-flagged vessels with their port of registration in Northern Ireland (‘NI-registered vessels’) when landing fishery products into EU/RoI ports. This is the case regardless of the location from which those products are caught.
Direct landing requirements for EU (including RoI) registered vessels landing into NI
Direct landings by fishing vessels registered in EU (including RoI) are subject to the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) obligations and authorisations when landing in Northern Ireland from 01 January 2021. Landings are restricted to NEAFC designated ports and vessels must submit a NEAFC PSC form for authorisation to land.
From 1st February 2021 the list of NI NEAFC designated ports includes:
- Londonderry
- Belfast
- Bangor
- Portavogie
- Ardglass
- Kilkeel
- Warrenpoint
NEAFC Prior Notification process and authorisation procedure:
- EU vessels will need to land fish into one of the NI designated ports listed above, under NEAFC regulations
- Register your vessel with NEAFC Port State Control system here
- Submit a NEAFC Port state Control form (PSC1 or PSC2)* here. This must be done 72 hours before landing for frozen or 4hrs before landing for fresh fish. NEAFC are responsible for onward submission to Fisheries Monitoring Centre (UKFMC)
*If the PSC1 or PSC2 forms are filled out incorrectly, this may result in delays to landing and resubmission of the forms may be required in order to land.
There are no new food safety requirements (SPS checks) for EU/RoI-flagged vessels with their port of registration in the EU (EU-registered vessels) when landing fishery products into NI ports. This is the case regardless of the location from which those products are caught.
Direct landing requirements for GB registered vessels landing into NI
Direct landings by fishing vessels registered in GB are subject to Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing controls when landing in NI ports from 01 January 2021. Requirements notably include restriction to IUU designated ports and obligation to submit a prior-notification of arrival, a pre-landing declaration of catch, and a Catch Certificate.
From 1st February 2021 the list of NI IUU designated ports includes:
- Londonderry
- Belfast
- Bangor
- Portavogie
- Ardglass
- Kilkeel
- Warrenpoint
Vessels under 12m in length
- Register on the Fish Export Service (FES) (Registration guide) to create UK catch certificates
- Download prior notification and pre-declaration forms from FES. Complete forms with best estimate of catch to be landed and email to 72 hours before landing for frozen fish and 4hrs for fresh
- On landing email catch information with accurate weight of catch to your home port fisheries office for submission onto UK Fisheries Management databases. Required information to include;
- the PLN and the name of the fishing vessel.
- the species and the relevant geographical area (ICES statistical sub rectangle) in which the catches were taken.
- the dates of catches
- the date of departure from and of arrival to port, and the duration of the fishing trip
- the type of gear, mesh size and dimension
- the quantities of each species in kilograms live weight
- the number of fishing operations
- Complete a catch certificate on the Fish Export Service (FES)*
- Email validated catch certificate to
*Certain species are exempt from requirement for a catch certificate (scallops, including queen scallops). If you are landing exempt fisheries products you will need to complete a prior notification for exempt fisheries product form. This form can be found on the Fish Export Service (UK catch certificates)
Vessels over 12m in length
- Register on the Fish Export Service (FES) (Registration guide) to create UK catch certificates Download prior notification and pre-declaration forms from FES. Complete forms with best estimate of catch to be landed and email to 72 hours before landing for frozen fish and 4hrs for fresh
- Submit elog, electronic prior notification of arrival and pre landing declaration 72 hours before landing for frozen fish and 4hrs for fresh
- Complete catch certificate on the Fish Export Service
Email validated catch certificate to 72 hours before landing for frozen fish and 4hrs for fresh.