Importing Animal By Products (ABP) from Great Britain
Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009, Article 3
- ‘Animal by-products’ (ABP) means entire bodies or parts of animals, products of animal origin or other products obtained from animals, which are not intended for human consumption.
- ‘Derived products’ (DP) means products obtained from one or more treatments, transformations, or steps of processing of animal by- products.
Legislation and useful links
- Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 142/2011
- Animal by-products general guidance | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (
- Animal by-products - European Commission (
- Northern Ireland Online Tariff: Look up commodity codes, duty and VAT rates - GOV.UK (
Overview DAERA import licences
Specific Licences: Application form for imports of Laboratory Animals, Animal products and by-products | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (
General Licences: General import licences for animals/animal products | Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (
Prohibited ABPs for movement into NI/EU from Third countries, including GB
Reg. (EU) No. 142/2011 article 25.1-
- Unprocessed manure – risk of salmonella, botulism etc.
- Unprocessed feathers, parts of feathers – risk of avian flu
- Beeswax in form of honeycomb – risk of small hive beetle & other bee diseases
ABP/DPs which can be imported / transited subject to control
(Reg. (EU) No. 142/2011 article 25.3)
Requirements to be met are in Reg. (EU) No. 142/2011 Annex XIV
Divided into 4 Chapters:
- Chapter 1: Cat 3 ABPs/DPs for farmed animal feed use (excluding farmed fur animals)
- Chapter II: Cat 3 ABPs/DPs technical use / feed other than for farmed animals.
- Chapter III: Research and diagnostic samples, trade samples, display items
- Chapter IV: Certain other ABPs – National rules
The following importation into and the transit through the Union of the following shall not be subject to any animal health conditions but the movement into NI/EU must be accompanied by a commercial document:
(a) wool and hair which has been factory-washed or which has been treated by another method which ensures that no unacceptable risks remain.
(b) furs which have been dried at an ambient temperature of 18 °C for a period of at least two days at a humidity of 55 %.
(c) wool and hair produced from animals other than those of the porcine species, which has been treated by factory-washing which consisting of the immersion of the wool and hair in series of baths of water, soap and sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide.
(d) wool and hair produced from animals other than those of the porcine species, which is dispatched directly to a plant producing derived products from wool and hair for the textile industry and has been treated by at least one of the following methods:
- chemical depilation by means of slaked lime or sodium sulphide,
- fumigation in formaldehyde in a hermetically sealed chamber for at least 24 hours,
- industrial scouring which consists of the immersion of wool and hair in a water-soluble detergent held at 60–70 °C,
- storage, which may include the journey time, at 37 °C for eight days, 18 °C for 28 days or 4 °C for 120 days;
(e) wool and hair that is dry and securely enclosed in packaging, produced from animals other than those of the porcine species, which is intended for dispatch to a plant producing derived products from wool and hair for the textile industry and meets all of the following requirements:
(i) it was produced at least 21 days before the date of entry into the Union and kept in a third country or region thereof which is
- listed in Part 1 of Annex II to Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 and authorised for imports into the Union of fresh meat of ruminants not subject to supplementary guarantees A and F mentioned therein,
- free of foot-and-mouth disease, and, in the case of wool and hair from sheep and goats, of sheep pox and goat pox in accordance with the basic general criteria listed in Annex II to Directive 2004/68/EC;
(ii) it is accompanied by a importers' declaration as required in accordance with Chapter 21 of Annex XV;
(iii) it was presented by the operator to one of the approved Union border inspection posts listed in Annex I to Decision 2009/821/EC where it passed with satisfactory result the documentary check carried out in accordance with Article 4(3) of Directive 97/78/EC.
Operators shall comply with the following specific requirements for the importation into and the transit through the Union of certain animal by-products and derived products, as referred to in Articles 41(3) and 42 of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009, set out in Annex XIV hereto:
(a) the specific requirements for the import and transit of Category 3 material and derived products for uses in the feed chain, other than for petfood or feed to fur animals, set out in Chapter I of that Annex;
(b) the specific requirements for the import and transit of animal by-products and derived products for uses outside the feed chain for farmed animals, set out in Chapter II of that Annex.
Import requirements for different ABP
- Processed manure, derived products from processed manure and guano from bats
- Untreated Wool
- Treated Games Trophy
- Trade samples
- Hides/skins
- Blood and blood products
- Untreated Pig Bristles
- Treated Feathers
Processed manure, derived products from processed manure and guano from bats
Product Description: The manure must have been subjected to a heat treatment process of at east 70oC for at least 60 minutes or an equivalent treatment validated and authorised by the imported Member State.
Establishment: The Official Veterinarian must ensure the plant is officially approved for the manufacture of products for purposes other than feeding to farmed animals, or as a biogas plant or as a composting plant. The exporting establishment must be authorised and listed by the GB as a ‘GB approved establishment’ for animal by-products not for human consumption (ABP). A list of approved establishments can be found on the European Commission’s list of approved establishments.
Export Health Certificate: The consignment to be imported must be accompanied by an original health certificate EHC 8319. The health certificate must be signed by an Official Veterinarian (OV) appointed by the appropriate authority in Great Britain. Fulfilment of these conditions is a matter for consideration between the exporter and their OV in GB.
Harmonised System: The Harmonised System (HS) Code is a commodity classification system used as a basis for customs tariffs and for international trade statistics. It is the exporter’s responsibility to ensure that the HS code is entered correctly and accurately reflects the product(s) being consigned. Further information on HS Codes can be found online at: and
Transport Requirements: The manure must be securely enclosed in a well-sealed and insulated container or properly sealed packs (plastic bags or ‘big bags’).
Disease Control: The manure must be free from Salmonella, Escherichia and Enterobacteriaceae.
BCP and Pre-notification: Consignments of animal by-products entering NI must be inspected at an approved Border Control Post (BCP) where Member States' official veterinarians ensure they fulfil all the requirements provided for in EU legislation.
There is a required minimum pre-notification notice period of at least 24 hours’ notice in advance of the consignment’s arrival. Failure to submit correct documentation within this timeline may result in significant delays in the consignment being processed through the Border Control Post.
Pre-notification is given by the submission of Part 1 of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P), as is laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 2019/1715, through the online TRACES NT system.
Guidance on TRACES NT registration, pre-notification and CHED P completion can be found at this link.
Untreated Wool
Product Description: The untreated wool or hair must be produced from animals other than porcine within 21 days before the date of entry to the union. Only untreated wool/ hair which is Category 3 material referred to in Article 10(h) and (n) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 may enter NI.
Establishment: The exporting establishment must be authorised and listed by the GB as a ‘GB approved establishment’ for animal by-products not for human consumption (ABP). A list of approved establishments can be found on the European Commission’s list of approved establishments.
Importers Declaration: The consignment must be accompanied by the Importer’s declaration as required in accordance with Chapter 21 of Annex XV of Regulation (EU) No 142/2011.
Export Health Certificate: The consignment to be imported must be accompanied by an original health certificate EHC 8343. The health certificate must be signed by an Official Veterinarian (OV) appointed by the appropriate authority in Great Britain. Fulfilment of these conditions is a matter for consideration between the exporter and their OV in GB.
Harmonised System: The Harmonised System (HS) Code is a commodity classification system used as a basis for customs tariffs and for international trade statistics. It is the exporter’s responsibility to ensure that the HS code is entered correctly and accurately reflects the product(s) being consigned. Further information on HS Codes can be found online at: and
Disease Control: The animals that the wool or hair derived from must be free from foot and mouth disease, sheep pox, and goat pox.
BCP and Pre-notification: Consignments of animal by-products entering NI must be inspected at an approved Border Control Post (BCP) where Member States' official veterinarians ensure they fulfil all the requirements provided for in EU legislation.
There is a required minimum pre-notification notice period of at least 24 hours’ notice in advance of the consignment’s arrival. Failure to submit correct documentation within this timeline may result in significant delays in the consignment being processed through the Border Control Post.
Pre-notification is given by the submission of Part 1 of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P), as is laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 2019/1715, through the online TRACES NT system.
Guidance on TRACES NT registration, pre-notification and CHED P completion can be found at this link.
Treated Games Trophy
Product Description: Only Category 2 materials referred to in Article 9 point (f), derived from wild animals not suspected of being infected with a disease communicable to humans or animals and Category 3 material referred to in Article 10(a), (b)(i), (b)(iii) and (b)(v) and (n) of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 may be used.
Establishment: The exporting establishment must be authorised and listed by the GB as a ‘GB approved establishment’ for animal by-products not for human consumption (ABP). A list of approved establishments can be found on the European Commission’s list of approved establishments.
Export Health Certificate: The consignment to be imported must be accompanied by an original health certificate, for Treated game trophies and other preparations of birds and ungulates, consisting only bones, horns, hooves, claws, antlers, teeth , hides or skins, the relevant certificate is EHC 8310 and for Game trophies or other preparations of birds and ungulates, the relevant certificate is EHC 8330.The health certificate must be signed by an Official Veterinarian (OV) appointed by the appropriate authority in Great Britain. Fulfilment of these conditions is a matter for consideration between the exporter and their OV in GB.
Harmonised System: The Harmonised System (HS) Code is a commodity classification system used as a basis for customs tariffs and for international trade statistics. It is the exporter’s responsibility to ensure that the HS code is entered correctly and accurately reflects the product(s) being consigned. Further information on HS Codes can be found online at: and
Transport Requirements: The games trophies must have been packaged without being in contact with other products of animal origin likely to contaminate them, in individual, transparent and closed packages.
Disease Control: The consignment must be free from foot and mouth disease, pathogenic avian influenza Newcastle, classical swine fever, African swine fever, swine vesicular disease, porcine enteroviral and encephalomyelitis.
BCP and Pre-notification: Consignments of animal by-products entering NI must be inspected at an approved Border Control Post (BCP) where Member States' official veterinarians ensure they fulfil all the requirements provided for in EU legislation.
There is a required minimum pre-notification notice period of at least 24 hours’ notice in advance of the consignment’s arrival. Failure to submit correct documentation within this timeline may result in significant delays in the consignment being processed through the Border Control Post.
Pre-notification is given by the submission of Part 1 of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P), as is laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 2019/1715, through the online TRACES NT system.
Guidance on TRACES NT registration, pre-notification and CHED P completion can be found at this link.
Trade samples
Product Description: “Trade samples” means animal by products or derived products intended for particular studies or analyses authorised by the competent authority with a view to carrying out a production process, including the processing of animal by-products or derived products, the development of feeding stuff, pet food or derived products, or the testing of machinery or equipment.
Establishment: The exporting establishment must be authorised and listed by the GB as a ‘GB approved establishment’ for animal by-products not for human consumption (ABP). A list of approved establishments can be found on the European Commission’s list of approved establishments.
Export Health Certificate: The consignment to be imported must be accompanied by an original health certificate, for Animal by-products for purposes outside the feed chain or for trade samples the relevant certificate Is EHC 8312. The health certificate must be signed by an Official Veterinarian (OV) appointed by the appropriate authority in Great Britain. Fulfilment of these conditions is a matter for consideration between the exporter and their OV in GB.
Harmonised System: The Harmonised System (HS) Code is a commodity classification system used as a basis for customs tariffs and for international trade statistics. It is the exporter’s responsibility to ensure that the HS code is entered correctly and accurately reflects the product(s) being consigned. Further information on HS Codes can be found online at: and
Transport + Packaging Requirements: The consignments must be packed in new packaging which prevents any leakage or in packaging which has been cleaned and disinfected before use and, in the case of consignments shipped other than via parcel post, in containers sealed under the responsibility of the competent authority, bearing the label indicating ‘ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS ONLY FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF DERIVED PRODUCTS FOR USES OUTSIDE THE FEED CHAIN’ and the name and address of the establishment of destination in NI.
BCP and Pre-notification: Consignments of animal by-products entering NI must be inspected at an approved Border Control Post (BCP) where Member States' official veterinarians ensure they fulfil all the requirements provided for in EU legislation.
There is a required minimum pre-notification notice period of at least 24 hours’ notice in advance of the consignment’s arrival. Failure to submit correct documentation within this timeline may result in significant delays in the consignment being processed through the Border Control Post.
Pre-notification is given by the submission of Part 1 of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P), as is laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 2019/1715, through the online TRACES NT system.
Guidance on TRACES NT registration, pre-notification and CHED P completion can be found at this link.
Product Description: Untreated hides and skins is defined in Annex I of Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 as meaning all cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues that have not undergone any treatment, other than cutting, chilling or freezing. Only Category 3 material as referred to in Article 10(a) and (b) (iii) may be used. The relevant certificate does not cover hides for processing into edible products.
Treated hides and skins are defined in Annex I of Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 as meaning treated hides and skins’ means derived products from untreated hides and skins, other than dog chews, that have been:
- dried;
- dry-salted or wet-salted for a period of at least 14 days prior to dispatch;
- salted for a period of at least seven days in sea salt with the addition of 2 % of sodium carbonate;
- dried for a period of at least 42 days at a temperature of at least 20 °C; or
- subject to a preservation process other than tanning.
Only Category 3 treated hides and skins of ungulates referred to in Article 10 (a), (b)(i) and (iii) and (n) may be used.
Establishment: The exporting establishment must be authorised and listed by the GB as a ‘GB approved establishment’ for animal by-products not for human consumption (ABP). A list of approved establishments can be found on the European Commission’s list of approved establishments.
Export Health Certificate: The consignment to be imported must be accompanied by an original health certificate, for fresh or chilled hides and skins of ungulates the relevant certificate is EHC 8327 and for treated hides and skins of ungulates the relevant certificate is EHC 8328. The health certificate must be signed by an Official Veterinarian (OV) appointed by the appropriate authority in Great Britain. Fulfilment of these conditions is a matter for consideration between the exporter and their OV in GB.
Harmonised System: The Harmonised System (HS) Code is a commodity classification system used as a basis for customs tariffs and for international trade statistics. It is the exporter’s responsibility to ensure that the HS code is entered correctly and accurately reflects the product(s) being consigned. Further information on HS Codes can be found online at: and
Disease Control: The consignment must not have been in contact with other animal products or with live animals presenting a risk of spreading serious transmissible disease and must have undergone all precautions to avoid contamination with pathogenic agents.
BCP and Pre-notification: Consignments of animal by-products entering NI must be inspected at an approved Border Control Post (BCP) where Member States' official veterinarians ensure they fulfil all the requirements provided for in EU legislation.
There is a required minimum pre-notification notice period of at least 24 hours’ notice in advance of the consignment’s arrival. Failure to submit correct documentation within this timeline may result in significant delays in the consignment being processed through the Border Control Post.
Pre-notification is given by the submission of Part 1 of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P), as is laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 2019/1715, through the online TRACES NT system.
Guidance on TRACES NT registration, pre-notification and CHED P completion can be found at this link.
Blood and blood products
****Fresh blood from ungulates is prohibited for importation****
Establishment: The exporting establishment must be authorised and listed by the GB as a ‘GB approved establishment’ for animal by-products not for human consumption (ABP). A list of approved establishments can be found on the European Commission’s list of approved establishments.
Export Health Certificate: The consignment to be imported must be accompanied by an original health certificate. The health certificate must be signed by an Official Veterinarian (OV) appointed by the appropriate authority in Great Britain. Fulfilment of these conditions is a matter for consideration between the exporter and their OV in GB.
EHC 8309: Treated blood products, excluding of equidae, for the manufacture of derived products for purposes outside the feed chain for farmed animals.
EHC 8307: Blood and blood products from equidae to be used outside the feed chain.
EHC 8308: Untreated blood products for the manufacture of derived products for purposes outside the feed chain for farmed animals.
EHC 8299: Blood products not intended for human consumption that could be used as feed material.
Harmonised System: The Harmonised System (HS) Code is a commodity classification system used as a basis for customs tariffs and for international trade statistics. It is the exporter’s responsibility to ensure that the HS code is entered correctly and accurately reflects the product(s) being consigned. Further information on HS Codes can be found online at: and
Disease Control:
Transport + Packaging Requirements: The blood products must be securely enclosed in packaging.
BCP and Pre-notification: Consignments of animal by-products entering NI must be inspected at an approved Border Control Post (BCP) where Member States' official veterinarians ensure they fulfil all the requirements provided for in EU legislation.
There is a required minimum pre-notification notice period of at least 24 hours’ notice in advance of the consignment’s arrival. Failure to submit correct documentation within this timeline may result in significant delays in the consignment being processed through the Border Control Post.
Pre-notification is given by the submission of Part 1 of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P), as is laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 2019/1715, through the online TRACES NT system.
Guidance on TRACES NT registration, pre-notification and CHED P completion can be found at this link.
Untreated Pig Bristles
Product Description: Untreated pig bristles means pig bristles, other than pig bristles which have:
- undergone factory washing;
- been obtained from tanning;
- been treated by another method that ensures that no unacceptable risks remain.
The pig bristles must have originated from GB. Only Category 3 material as referred to in Article 10(b)(iv) may be used.
Establishment: The exporting establishment must be authorised and listed by the GB as a ‘GB approved establishment’ for animal by-products not for human consumption (ABP). A list of approved establishments can be found on the European Commission’s list of approved establishments.
Export Health Certificate: The consignment to be imported must be accompanied by an original health certificate, for pig bristles the relevant certificate is EHC 8331. The health certificate must be signed by an Official Veterinarian (OV) appointed by the appropriate authority in Great Britain. Fulfilment of these conditions is a matter for consideration between the exporter and their OV in GB.
Harmonised System: The Harmonised System (HS) Code is a commodity classification system used as a basis for customs tariffs and for international trade statistics. It is the exporter’s responsibility to ensure that the HS code is entered correctly and accurately reflects the product(s) being consigned. Further information on HS Codes can be found online at: and
Disease Control: The animal the pig bristles are derived from must be free from African swine fever.
Transport + Packaging Requirements: The pig bristles must be dry and securely enclosed in packaging.
BCP and Pre-notification: Consignments of animal by-products entering NI must be inspected at an approved Border Control Post (BCP) where Member States' official veterinarians ensure they fulfil all the requirements provided for in EU legislation.
There is a required minimum pre-notification notice period of at least 24 hours’ notice in advance of the consignment’s arrival. Failure to submit correct documentation within this timeline may result in significant delays in the consignment being processed through the Border Control Post.
Pre-notification is given by the submission of Part 1 of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P), as is laid down in Commission Implementing Regulation (EC) No. 2019/1715, through the online TRACES NT system.
Guidance on TRACES NT registration, pre-notification and CHED P completion can be found at this link.