Importing Equidae from the European Union
This page provides information on the requirements for moving Equidae from the European Union (EU) to Northern Ireland (NI).
There are 5 types of movements from the EU linked to Equidae.
Please select the relevant link below to view the applicable requirements.
1) Registered Horses and Non-Registered Horses
4) Equine Movements between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
5) Equidae transiting the GB Landbridge
1) Registered Horses and Non-Registered Horses
Article 2 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 defines a 'registered equine animal' as:
- a purebred breeding animal of the species Equus caballus and Equus asinus entered or eligible for entry in the main section of a breeding book established by a breed society or breeding body recognised in accordance with Articles 4 or 34 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012; and
- a kept animal of the species Equus caballus registered with an international association or organisation, either directly or through its national federation or branches, which manages horses for competition or racing ('registered horse')
All other horses are classified as unregistered.
Please note, the presence of an equine passport does not equate ‘registered status’.
2) Consignments of multiple Equidae, including for confined establishment/ attending shows/competitions/events/leisure movements or Equidae Destined for slaughter (currently not applicable to NI due to absence of approved equine slaughter establishments)
1. Identification requirements
Equidae born in the Union shall be identified by an injectable transponder (if born after 1 July 2009) and an identification document (passport) issued in a certain period of time following the date of birth and in any event before permanently leaving the establishment of birth. It shall be issued for the lifetime of the equine animal. All equidae within the Union have to be accompanied by an identification document during their movements (on foot and during transport). Further information can be found here.
For any deviations to the above-mentioned identification methods, please contact DAERA Trade Imports for further guidance.
2. When destined for a confined establishment
- An import licence must be applied for using the application form available here by emailing the fully and accurately completed form to at least 10 days prior to intended movement. The establishment approval numbers must be registered on TRACES NT.
- The import licence will state the conditions under which the movement into NI is permitted.
- At present, DAERA continues to recognise historically approved Balai registration numbers issued under EC 92/65 until a confined establishment approval process is operational in NI.
Should you have any further queries around the establishment approval, please contact .
3. Disease control movement requirements
INTRA The animals to be imported must be accompanied by an EU Intra Trade Animal Health Certificate (INTRA) which is issued via TRACES-NT. The Applicable Certificate is Model EQUI-INTRA-CON. This INTRA must be completed by an official veterinarian (OV) in the Country of Departure. Fulfilment of these conditions is a matter for consideration between the exporter and their OV in the exporting EU country. We advise that prior to the planned date of import that importers contact their local DAERA Direct field office to ensure that the destination address in NI has been registered as an equine establishment.
Cleansing and disinfection Prior to the journey the transport vehicle must be cleansed and disinfected so as to remove all visible organic matter. During transport the imported animals must not come into contact with animals that are not certified as being of the same health status.
Health Attestations The OV must ensure they have not shown signs or symptoms of diseases listed for equine animals during the clinical examination, which was carried out within the 48 hour period prior to departure of the consignment, or on the last working day prior to departure of the consignment, from the registered establishment.Depending on animal age, establishment status, area and Country of Origin, animals may require disease attestations or pre-import testing for African Horse Sickness, Burkholderia mallei, surra (Trypanosoma evansi), dourine, infectious anaemia, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, rabies virus and anthrax.
4. Post import requirements
Operators of establishments receiving kept terrestrial animals from another Member State must check the animals, their correct identification and if documentation is complete. If they perceive any irregularity, they have to inform the competent authority of the place of destination. In this case, animals must be isolated until the competent authority advises how to proceed.
5. Welfare during transport
All requirements under ‘The Welfare of Animals (Transport) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006’ and Council Regulation EC 1/2005 must be complied with. Further guidance on these requirements is available via the following links:
3) Single animal Equidae movements, including destined for confined establishment/ further keeping/attending shows/competitions/events/leisure movements
1. Identification Requirements
Equidae born in the Union shall be identified by an injectable transponder (if born after 1 July 2009) and an identification document (passport) issued in a certain period of time following the date of birth and in any event before permanently leaving the establishment of birth. It shall be issued for the lifetime of the equine animal. All equidae within the Union have to be accompanied by an identification document during their movements (on foot and during transport). Further information can be found here.
For any deviations to the above-mentioned identification methods, please contact DAERA Trade Imports for further guidance.
2. When destined for a confined establishment
- An import licence must be applied for using the application form available here by emailing the fully and accurately completed form to at least 10 days prior to intended movement. The establishment approval numbers must be registered on TRACES NT.
- The import licence will state the conditions under which the movement into NI is permitted.
- At present, DAERA continues to recognise historically approved Balai registration numbers issued under EC 92/65 until a confined establishment approval process is operational in NI.
Should you have any further queries around the establishment approval, please contact .
3. Disease Control Movement requirements
INTRA The animals to be imported must be accompanied by an EU Intra Trade Animal Health Certificate (INTRAS) which is issued via TRACES-NT. The Applicable Certificate is Model EQUI-INTRA-IND. This INTRA must be completed by an official veterinarian (OV) in the Country of Departure. Fulfilment of these conditions is a matter for consideration between the exporter and their OV in the exporting EU country. We advise that prior to the planned date of import that importers contact their local DAERA Direct field office to ensure that the destination address in NI has been registered as an equine establishment.
Cleansing and disinfection Prior to the journey the transport vehicle must be cleansed and disinfected so as to remove all visible organic matter. During transport the imported animals must not come into contact with animals that are not certified as being of the same health status.
Health Attestations The OV must ensure they have not shown signs or symptoms of diseases listed for equine animals during the clinical examination, which was carried out within the 48 hour period prior to departure of the consignment, or on the last working day prior to departure of the consignment, from the registered establishment. Depending on animal age, establishment status, area and Country of Origin, animals may require disease attestations or pre-import testing for African Horse Sickness, Burkholderia mallei, surra (Trypanosoma evansi), dourine, infectious anaemia, Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, rabies virus and anthrax.
4. Post Import Requirements
Operators of establishments receiving kept terrestrial animals from another Member State must check the animals, their correct identification and if documentation is complete. If they perceive any irregularity, they have to inform the competent authority of the place of destination. In this case, animals must be isolated until the competent authority advises how to proceed.
5. Welfare During Transport
All requirements under ‘The Welfare of Animals (Transport) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006’ and Council Regulation EC 1/2005 must be complied with. Further guidance on these requirements is available via the following links:
4) Equine Movements between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland
For the movement of horses (other than animals for slaughter) between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, free movement is allowed without the need for Veterinary INTRA health certification provided each horse is correctly identified and accompanied by a valid identification document (e.g. passport).
5) Equidae transiting the GB Landbridge
For guidance on EU INTRA movement of Equidae via the Great Britain landbridge, please check guidance here.