Marine Guidance Documents
This page provides links to guidance documents that should be referred to when planning to undertake activities that may affect Marine Protected Areas, Habitats or Species.
Guidance for Marine Protected Area Assessments in the Northern Ireland inshore area
The documents contained in the link below outline to public authorities the various assessments that must be undertaken to meet the various legislative obligations for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). This covers the Habitats Regulations Assessment for SACs, SPAs and Ramsar sites, ASSI assessment and the MCZ assessment. A link is also provided for the MCZ assessment template.
Guidance on noise management in harbour porpoise SACs
With relevance to Habitats Regulation Assessment for SACs, a link is provided to a page on the JNCC website which contains advice on what could constitute significant disturbance within harbour porpoise SACs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland marine areas. In addition, guidance is provided on a noise management approach to keep underwater noise within levels that do not affect a site’s integrity.
Guidance on Marine Wildlife Disturbance
This section provides links to documents that should be referred to by all water users, including the general public, for best practice guidance to avoid marine wildlife disturbance. There is guidance for a wide range of marine and coastal users, from boat users, to paddle boarders/kayakers, to dog walkers and walkers/hikers. The documents also contain useful contact information for a range of marine and coastal issues. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Marine Wildlife team at:
Marine Disturbance Leaflet
The document in the link below provides detailed guidance on how water users should behave around marine wildlife to avoid marine wildlife disturbance wherever possible, as well as information on the behaviour and sensitivities of marine animals including whales, dolphins and porpoises (Cetaceans), seals, basking sharks, and seabirds. The document also provides contact information for multiple teams across DAERA and Non-Government Organisations for a broad range of issues, from how to report wildlife crime, to water pollution. This document is meant to be used as a more detailed best practice guide to be read and understood before engaging in any activity in a marine or coastal area.
Marine Disturbance Postcard
The document in the link below provides a visual guide how water users should behave around marine wildlife to avoid marine wildlife disturbance wherever possible, emphasising the ‘keep your distance’ rule. The document also provides more specific contact information related to the most urgent issues water users may encounter. This includes who to contact and how when water users encounter wildlife crime, sick or injured seal pups or turtles, sick or injured small animals or birds and dead or live stranded marine life such as whales, dolphins or porpoises. This document is best used as a quick reference guide when out on the water or using coastal areas.