Protecting and preserving Northern Ireland's wildlife and habitats from invasive alien species and other environmental threats.
Biodiversity and EU Exit
Articles and links on the subject of biodiversity and EU Exit.
About biodiversity
Protected areas
Our protected areas represent the very best of our natural landscapes, biodiversity and geodiversity, forming the cornerstone of nature conservation by supporting plants, animals and habitats that are rare or unique. The on-going protection and management of this coherent network of sites will ensure that these important natural and cultural assets can be enjoyed by this and future generations.
Marine Conservation and Protection
Wildlife licensing and management
Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum
The Northern Ireland Squirrel Forum (NISF) was established to bring together statutory and non-statutory organisations as well as representatives of country parks, private landowners and local volunteer organizations dedicated to protecting the red squirrel in Northern Ireland.
Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS)
Marine biodiversity
Environmental Farming Scheme (EFS) - Higher Level
The video has not been updated since 2022 and therefore makes reference to previous tranches. Please note, however, that the process remains the same but that there is no wider option for tranche 8.