Private Veterinary Practitioners
Private Veterinary Practitioners (PVPs) are contracted by the Department to carry out various duties related to animal health and testing.
Duties carried out
These include performing tuberculin testing and taking samples for the purpose of premovement Brucellosis testing.
An extranet is available for the use of PVPs so they can manage this work and enter results onto the Department's computer system.
TB testing services
Contract for provision of Bovine TB testing, its associated services and bio-security advice on behalf of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Northern Ireland.
On farm health & safety
Safety on farm continues to be a key priority both for the Department and the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI).
Private veterinary practitioners are encouraged to play their part by working safely with animals and reporting health and safety issues they identify on farm, in relation to cattle testing, to the Divisional Veterinary Officer.
The documents below will assist vets in meeting their own health and safety responsibilities and improving awareness of on farm risks.
Further information is available from the HSENI Farm SAFE website.
More useful links
- Form VP4
- Safe Cattle Handling Guidance
- Working with cattle on farm – dynamic risk assessment guidance
- HSE guidance safe cattle handling equipment
- HSE agriculture information sheet No 35
- HSENI letter to farmers regarding safe cattle handling
- Safer Cattle Handling - understanding behaviour to minimise risk of injury
- Field general model risk assessment
- TB-Testing-Health&Safety-New Supervisory arrangements for Vets - Nov 2013