The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) presents this consultation and call for evidence on proposals to reform the producer responsibility system for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The responses will be used to determine the best policy options to help achieve a reduction in our e-waste, and promote the re-use of electrical items before they become waste.
Consultation description
The consultation document sets out detailed proposals for reforms relating to the provision of collection infrastructure for household WEEE financed by producers of electrical and electronic equipment. It sets out detailed proposals for reforms to the take-back obligations that currently apply to distributors, i.e. retailers and online sellers. Finally, it sets our proposals to place new obligations on Online Marketplaces and on ensuring producers of vapes properly finance recycling costs when they become waste. These proposals are supported by an accompanying impact assessment.
Alongside the consultation document, we have also published a Call for Evidence. The Call for Evidence sets out wider areas for reform in which detailed proposals and an accompanying impact assessment have yet to be developed. Nevertheless, we have set out some specific areas on which we would welcome additional evidence and views to assist further policy development ahead of consulting on formal UK-wide proposals supported by a full assessment of costs and benefits. Taken together, the proposals set out in this consultation and those in the Call for Evidence represent our intentions for WEEE reform.
Your views matter and we would encourage participation from NI retailers, manufacturers and distributors, waste management and recycling companies, and local councils.
Consultation and Call for Evidence documents can be viewed below: Consultation Documents
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.