We are seeking views on the draft Regulations that will implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging across the UK.
Consultation description
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland (DAERA), along with the UK Government, Scottish Government and Welsh Government, previously published joint consultations in 2019 and 2021 setting out proposals to reform the producer responsibility system for packaging.
This joint consultation now shares the UK-wide draft regulations which will implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging, as set out in the Government's consultation response of March 2022 (EPR Consultation Government response template (
The purpose of this consultation is to gather stakeholder views on how the policy approach set out in the Government Response has been reflected in the draft Regulations, and to receive feedback on whether the Regulations create clear and operationally feasible obligations.
The consultation is open to all, with feedback particularly welcomed from:
- Businesses involved in the design, production, and specification of packaging.
- Businesses who manufacture products and put these products into packaging, or who have products put into packaging on their behalf, and who place these products on the UK market.
- Retailers, online marketplaces and importers of both packaged products and unfilled packaging.
- Local authorities
- Packaging compliance schemes.
- Organisations involved in the management and recycling of packaging waste including waste management companies, brokers, exporters, and reprocessors.
- Other organisations such as professional and membership organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations, consultants, and charitable organisations who have an interest in packaging and how packaging waste is managed in the UK.
For ease of analysis, responses via the Citizen Space platform would be preferred, but alternative options are provided below if required:
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.