The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) is seeking views on its proposed approach to the implementation of the European Union Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/949 which sets out the configuration of the identification code for bovine animals in Northern Ireland.
- Consultation document - Numbering format for Bovine EID
- Covering letter - Numbering format for Bovine EID
- Consultation response form - Numbering format for Bovine EID
- EQIA - Numbering format for Bovine EID
- Rural Needs Impact Assessment - Numbering format for Bovine EID
Consultation description
The purpose of this stakeholder engagement exercise is to set out two options for a new numbering regime for cattle in Northern Ireland and seeks views on which option is preferred. The document will outline the existing format and the two potential EID numbers, as well as providing information on alternative options which were not deemed viable or operable.
If you would like to comment on this consultation, please reply by the closing date/time of 4.00pm on 16 August 2019.
Copies of the consultation document can also be made available, on request, in alternative formats. Alternative formats may include Easy Read, Braille, audio formats (CD, mp3 or DAISY), large print or translations into minority languages (to meet the needs of those for whom English is not their first language). Please contact 028 7744 2367 to arrange such copies. For those with hearing difficulties, leave a message on the Department’s text phone (18001 028 9052 5031).
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.