The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland have launched a public consultation on the allocation of additional quota in 2022 for Northern Ireland registered fishing vessels. Additional quota is the increased share of NI fishing quota, on top of that previously allocated (existing quota) whilst the UK was a member of the EU. Subject to changes in Total Allowable Catches (TACs) it potentially represents new fishing opportunities for Northern Ireland. The consultation outlines the main options for allocating the NI additional quota to the NI fishing fleet
- Summary of Consultation Responses: Additional Quota Allocation 2022
- Departmental Response to Consultation: Additional Quota for 2022
Consultation description
The UK withdrawal from the European Union has resulted in agreement to rebalance fishing opportunities between the UK and the EU.
For some shared stocks the UK will now manage a greater overall proportion of the available fishing opportunities. The increase in quota share between that received when part of the EU management system and the new agreement is termed ‘additional quota’.
The consultation provides detail on the development of additional quota, and the fish stocks affected. We are only looking at the allocation of additional quota. The consultation seeks views on a number of possible uses of this quota.
Consultation outcome and summary of responses
In March and April 2022, the Departmental consulted on the allocation of Northern Ireland’s share of Additional Quota gained following EU Exit. The consultation proposed that additional quota be managed differently from existing quota, not automatically allocated following the FQA basis as was the case in 2021. There were 63 online responses, 4 written submissions, 2 meeting request and 1 phone call (in lieu of a meeting) from various fishing industry groups (sector / non-sector fishermen), processors, quota managers, and fishermen’s representatives (including the Producer Organisations).
The Fisheries Act 2020 established a new fisheries policy for the UK, including criteria on how quotas should be allocated, such as: the contribution of fishing to the local economy; and historic catch levels. Some respondents identified some concerns over the process, and the Minister met with various groups to discuss the consultation. The Minister has now made a decision based on the consultation findings and subsequent meetings. The Summary of Consultation Responses and the Departmental Response to the Consultation can be located above.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.