The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Development has reviewed the current Nitrates Action Programme (NAP) 2015-2018 and is seeking views on the proposals for the new NAP for Northern Ireland for 2019-2022
- Consultation letter
- Proposed Nitrates Action Programme for 2019-2022: Stakeholder Engagement Paper
- Draft Nutrient Action Programme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019
- Presentation on Cattle N Excretion for NAP Stakeholder Meeting, 27 Feb 2019, AFBI Hillsborough
- Presentation on Overview of NAP for NAP Stakeholder Meeting, 27 Feb 2019, AFBI Hillsborough
- Presentation on Overview of Water Quality for NAP Stakeholder Meeting, 27 Feb 2019, AFBI Hillsborough
- Presentation on Proposed New NAP Measures for NAP Stakeholder Meeting, 27 Feb 2019, AFBI Hillsborough
- Presentation on Scientific Research and Monitoring for NAP Stakeholder Meeting, 27 Feb 2019, AFBI Hillsborough
Consultation description
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) has published a Consultation on the proposed Nitrates Action Programme (NAP) for Northern Ireland for 2019-2022. The NAP implements the EU Nitrates Directive which is designed to protect surface waters and groundwaters from pollution by agricultural nutrients.
DAERA would welcome any comment you may wish to make on the proposals made, and the issues raised, in this discussion document. Where you disagree with any proposal, please provide evidence in support of alternative proposals.
Powerpoint presentations from the Nitrates Action Programme 2019-2022 Stakeholder meeting on 27 February 2019 are attached.
Comments on the issues and proposals raised in this paper should reach the Department by 4pm on Tuesday 19 March 2019.
Please submit your comments in writing, preferably by email, using the options below.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.