Consultation on the review of the Crematoria Guidance PGN(5/12)

Consultation opened on 09 October 2023. Closing date 03 December 2023.


This consultation seeks views on updated guidance for the limiting of emissions from crematoriums.

Consultation description

A recent review of guidance was carried out to identify the most effective technologies and processes for limiting and monitoring emissions to air from crematoriums. The information collected was used to update the related guidance.

The UK government wants to know what you think about the technical details and requirements in the proposed new guidance.

The main change in the guidance is to extend mercury abatement technology to all crematoriums. This technology will help reduce the emission of substances that can have a harmful impact on the human body and natural environment.

These substances include:

  • mercury
  • particulate matter (PM)
  • acid gases (HCI)
  • dioxins and furans
  • nitrogen oxides (NOx)

The new guidance will also incorporate other elements to help reduce emissions, including mandatory monitoring of NOx and carbon emissions and future emissions limit values (ELV).

The review and update process was carried out in collaboration with:

The public can view and respond to this consultation online via the UK government web-page.

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